Kamis, 31 Mei 2018

Polio vaccine

Polio vaccine

Image source: http://www.healthheritageresearch.com/Polio-Vaccine/gallery/images/Acc0987.jpg

Currently there are two polio vaccines that are in use throughout the world to fight against polio. Jonas Salk, the man who invented the first, started his work on a vaccine in 1955. The vaccine worked in two steps: first a dose of killed polio virus is injected, and then an oral polio vaccine must be taken which contains a live but much weakened form of the virus. This vaccine was first tested in 1957 on humans, and was later liscensed in 1962.

Now the Swine flu, (H1N1) is a class 2 carcinogen. It has been demonstrated that the SV40 is one of the activators of HIV-AIDS virus and causes lung and brain cancer. Now when you combine this H1N1 (Swine flu) vaccine that is being orchestrated by the World Health Organization as being a phase 6 emergency, (legislation gets passed without it being tested properly), and add mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde and other toxins present in the vaccine, and a possible agent for future cancers designed to decimate world population, one would have to decline this super hoax on the American people.

The use of mycoplasmas in epidemics is man made because of the tell tale strains that identify them. First it was the polio, then the mycoplasma in cattle, tobacco, horses, and birds. The cancer within the government formed the Federation of the American Society for Experimental Biology or FASEB. Then in 1918, a flu virus modified with a bird mycoplasma was created. This killed millions because there was no acquired immunity for this compound virus.

For many international travelers, however, polio may be in the center of their universe. Polio exists in many regions of the world. Travelers to these areas must discuss their polio vaccine history with their travel doctors before departure. Even those who were fully vaccinated as kids may need a booster injection, if they will be traveling to a high risk polio region. These adult travelers, who were vaccinated decades earlier, may not realize that they are at risk. The stakes are high. While most polio infections are mild, devastating paralysis is a rare complication.

Childhood vaccination had become a routine and Uptil 1999 polio virus has been completely and successfully eradicated from the major developed countries. America has been declared as a completely polio free region in 1994. Cuba , Brazil, Mexico , Costa Rica win the race earlier in1985 with the help of this supplemental mass administration of oral as a routine administration.

Polio is caused by the polio virus, and is spread through contaminated water or food or though close contact. It invades the nervous system, and can cause total paralysis in a matter of time. It can strike at any age, but children below three are the first to be affected. As the virus enters the body through oral passages, the initial symptoms are fever, fatigue, headache, vomiting, and stiffness in the neck and pain in the limbs. From your blood, it enters, largely your motor neurons in your spinal cord. Our motor neurons are the one responsible for transmitting the brain messages for movement in your limbs.

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