Selasa, 15 Mei 2018

Myths About STDs And STD Testing - Los Angeles Readers Beware!

Myths About STDs And STD Testing - Los Angeles Readers Beware!

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When it comes to sexually transmitted diseases, and testing for them, there are many myths out there that people are falling for. This may leave you in danger, and by separating some of the myths from the facts about STDs and STD testing, Los Angeles can become a much safer and healthier place.

The One About The Pill

There are some people who think that the birth control pill can protect them from STDs. This means that they do not use any other form of protection and assume that they are clear of any infections or diseases which may cause them problems. This is not the case, however, and the pill only protects against pregnancy. If you are on the pill, you should also use condoms, femidoms or dental dams to decrease the risk of STDs being passed between you and your partner during sexual contact. Also, by both partners getting the STD testing Los Angeles offers, you can ensure that both of you are clear of sexually transmitted diseases; although since some diseases do not appear on tests for long periods of time, it is still advisable to use other forms of contraception that protect against STDs.

The One About Pregnancy

Some women believe that they can have unprotected sex during pregnancy and that STDs cannot be contracted at this time. This is also a myth and is completely untrue. Not only are you still at risk of getting sexually transmitted diseases, but there is a risk that you may harm your baby if you do contract one during this time. Obviously, getting pregnant involves having unprotected sex, so if you are planning on getting pregnant it is in your, and your child's, best interests for you and your partner to first go for STD testing. Los Angeles has places where you can do this confidentially, and you should definitely consider going in order to ensure safety for you, your partner and your unborn child.

The One About Alternatives

Many people believe that they can avoid contracting STDs by having anal or oral sex as an alternative. However, you are just as much at risk of getting a sexually transmitted disease this way if you are unprotected. Not only do many people think that oral sex is less likely to give them an STD, there are some who do not even think about using protection when giving or receiving it. Whether you have had unprotected vaginal, anal or oral sex it is a good idea to go for STD testing in Los Angeles in order to ensure that you have not picked up anything nasty.

The One About It Staying Away Forever

STDs are not like chicken pox, and you're not going to be protected from having one just because you've had it before. With genital herpes and HIV being an exception, since you will have them for life, you shouldn't think that you'll never have a recurrence of an STD again. Also, with over twenty different STDs that you could catch, and some being life-threatening, you should definitely be protected and go for the regular STD testing Los Angeles has available. There is no excuse not to keep yourself safe and healthy.

The One Big Misconception

Some think that because they are a respectable person who is in a monogamous relationship, they will not get an STD. However, even if you have only had sexual relations with one person, that individual could have picked up an STD from somebody who they had vaginal, anal or oral sex with in the past. Essentially, when you make the decision to have sex with someone, it is like sleeping with all of their past partners, and their partners before them, and this is precisely how STDs are passed along. This means that even in one sexual encounter, you could potentially be coming into contact with diseases that a chain of possibly hundreds or even thousands of people could have ultimately passed on to your partner. There are many people who see shame in contracting a sexually transmitted disease because they feel that others will look upon them as though they are promiscuous. This of course is not necessarily the case. With confidential STD testing in Los Angeles, you can put your mind at ease without having to worry about people finding out about you getting tested, or about them judging you.

The Other Myths

Whilst some STD rumours are untrue in a way which is actually good and relieving to know, such as the fact that you cannot get sexually transmitted diseases through sitting on the toilet or through touching door handles, there are others which can cause us to take risks with our health. For example, some people believe that they would be able to tell if they or their partner had an STD, when this may not be the case; some have no symptoms and can easily go undetected. Also, some people believe that home remedies can cure STDs, but this is also not the case, and some are not easily treated and can even be life-threatening. Others think that they can stop themselves from getting STDs by abstaining from sexual intercourse and using sex aids or toys instead, but if you are sharing them you are still at risk. To make sure that you do not have an STD, testing in Los Angeles is available, and you can keep yourself and any future sexual partners safe and well.

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