Selasa, 08 Mei 2018

Meal Replacement Shakes - Benefits and Risks You Must be Aware of

Meal Replacement Shakes - Benefits and Risks You Must be Aware of

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Losing weight can be such a chore. The constant need to keep your metabolism running through exercise is a daily challenge that must be overcome by anyone serious enough to keep flab away. Then there's that daily need to watch what you eat. From breakfast, lunch, dinner to the snacks in between, it's a continuous battle to choose the low-fat over the yummier high-fat, high-sugar goodies.

In the face of these obstacles, those on the road to weight loss, those who wish to gain a few pounds and even diabetics, appreciate the convenience offered by meal replacement shakes. As the name suggests, these are pre-packaged powdered milk drinks designed to replace prepared meals. Because they have a high- protein-low fat- moderate- carbohydrate content and are also fortified with vitamins and minerals, they provide the body with the nutrients it needs even as they suppress hunger that facilitates weight loss. Besides, they are easy- to- prepare and costs much less than other packaged diet options.

But like any processed food, meal replacement shakes have its share of benefits and risks. Knowing what these are will better guide those who use them.


1. Meal replacement shakes, when used together with natural foods, provide the necessary nutrients needed by the body. Their vitamin and mineral content meet 50%-100% of the RDA needs.

2. The high-protein, low-fat and low-calorie content aids in weight loss.

3. Because they are low in simple sugars, they stabilize the release of insulin in the body and does not cause havoc on the metabolism. Unlike other diet supplements that have loads of sugar content, meal replacement shakes utilize complex sugars like maltodextrin which does not cause a spike in insulin levels that contribute to fat deposition.

4. They are good breakfast substitutes for diabetics because of their low to moderate carbohydrate content.

5. They can also be used by those who wish gain more weight. Meal replacement shakes can be added to their regular meals to give them the extra pounds.

6. Meal replacement shakes can also help those looking to build muscle and aids in fast recovery of injuries due to its high-protein content.

7. They are cheap and easy-to-prepare, ideal for those who are too busy to count calories.


1. Safety in long-term use has not been established. Its effect on the kidneys and the liver are of special concern due to the high-protein content contained by some meal replacement shakes.

2. Using some meal replacements on their own can cause a disparity in nutrient ratios and wreck havoc to one's metabolism because of its low calorie content. When stopped, one can expect to gain weight rapidly.

3. Overuse could lead to bowel problems because liquid shakes don't have a lot of fiber.

Meal replacement shakes have been accepted as a healthy and filling alternative to those who are on a diet. However, for a food supplement that has not been tested for side effects and potential dangers in the long-term, it also has its share of risks. To achieve the best results, meal replacement shakes should be used in moderation and in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise program.

Want the most effective meal replacement shake? Read this Shakeology review and this post called "Shakeology recipes".

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