Senin, 07 Mei 2018

Marijuana Seeds, Salvia Divinorum, Kratom, Sumatera Red Vein, Sumatera White Vein

Marijuana Seeds, Salvia

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Marijuana Seeds

Marijuana or Cannabis is a deciduous plant that belongs to Cannabaceae family. It is a small leafy flowering plant indigenous to Central and South Asian regions. The use of marijuana and its parts like seeds, flowers, leaves is estimated to date long back about 10,000 years ago when this was used as source of industrial fiber, seed oil, and food. However the popular use of marijuana has been as a drug, as medicine, and as a spiritual tool.

Marijuana contains over 60 different types of cannabinoids, including THC or delta 9 tetrahydrocannabinol which is one of the main psychoactive constituents that is responsible for the well known psychoactive properties of the substances prepared from this plant. It is revealed that the substances prepared from cannabis are used for illegal purposes and thus it is restricted in many countries like Australia, Finland, Canada etc.

It is not that marijuana has only negative effects. Recent researches have revealed there are also medicinal advantages of consuming marijuana seeds. They have been found to be effective as pain killers, sedatives anti-inflammatories and anti-histamines. Used in ancient Chinese healing they are found to be beneficial for treating cancers like breast cancer, lung cancer and brain cancer and are good for HIV or AIDS patients who are enduring chemotherapy. Possessing anthelmintic properties, these help to destroy worms and parasites formed in the body when consumed. Munching of sativa marijuana seeds is said to alleviate pains during difficult delivery and is a corrective cure to help regulate periods in women. Cannabis seeds are quite often recommended for patients suffering from high-blood pressure or glaucoma and Alzheimer's disease. These are good remedies for curing asthma, arthritis, rheumatism, depression, insomnia and constipation problems.

The seeds of marijuana plant are valuable sources of protein and therefore most often used for feeding the caged-birds. The oil extracted from these cannabis seeds contains substantial amount of essential fatty acids and therefore used in preparing paints that are used to paint wooden substances. The best way to buy marijuana seeds for legitimate research purposes is from the suppliers who offer quality research chemicals online.


Kratom is a medicinal leaf of large tree belonging to Rubiaceae family. This is the same family to which coffee plant belongs to. The tree is native of Southeast Asia and mainly grows in countries like Malaysia, Myanmar and central and southern regions of Thailand. First documented by the Dutch colonial botanist Pieter Korthals, the leaves of this medicinal plant have been relished by Southeast Asians since a long time in history as herbal drug. It is also
known by names of ithang, biak biak, ketum, kakuam, and thom in different parts of the world.

Kratom is usually used in form of leaves, extracts, resins, powder and capsules. The leaves of kratom are often chewed fresh after removing the central stringy vein portion. The most popular usage of kratom leaves is in preparation of kratom tea which is an excellent way to get the taste of kratom without need to gulp down the bitter leaves. People generally crush or powder the dry, difficult to swallow kratom leaves so that the powder can be mixed with fruit juices and sauce.

Effects of Kratom

Now-a-days a number of online suppliers offer different forms of kratom like borneo kratom, sumatera red vein kratom, sumatera white vein kratom, borneo red vein kratom, borneo white vein kratom at cheaper rates. These suppliers quite often supply kratom as powder in packets of different quantities usually ranging from 10g to 200g as per ones needs. When taken in small dosages kratom powder shows stimulating effects where as its high dosage is said to produce sedative effects where consumer becomes less sensitive to pain, feels calm and comfortable.

Kratom or Mitragyna Speciosa is taken as alternatives to drugs and is used to cease drug craving in an opiate dependent person. It is an effective treatment for depression and anxiety. Kratom contains alkaloids like mitragynine, mitraphylline, and 7-hydroxymitragynine due to which it shows some pharmacological effects and therefore has proven to be beneficial in conditions like opiate withdrawal, alcohol withdrawal, chronic fatigue and immune system disorders. It lowers body temperature and increases melanin production in the skin. It offers good treatment for diarrhea, blood sugar, blood pressure and intestinal parasites problems. For any who wants to buy kratom at cheaper rates internet is the best place.

Salvia Divinorum

Salvia Divinorum is a small green leafy plant native to the cloud forest of the Sierra Mazateca region of Mexico. According to botanists this is a psychoactive plant belonging to salvia genus. The plant was given name as divinorum because of its traditional use in divination and healing. However it is known by different names across the world like diviner's sage, ska mara pastora and seer's sage because of the fact that the herb was anciently used for religious purpose by Mazatec shamans for facilitating visionary states of consciousness during spiritual healing sessions.

Salvia was first discovered and recorded in print by American anthropologist, Jean Basset Johnson while he was studying Mazatec shamanism in 1939. But it was not until 1990 that the plant was rediscovered by the global underground hallucinatory culture and started being used and became popular in the recent years.

This amazing herb, related to common sage, has been used for centuries to produce powerful visions in the process of spiritual healing and divination. The leaves of Salvia have long been used as sources to induce out of body experiences, astral projection, divination and to enhance spiritual development. Salvia divinorum was earlier prescribed as remedy for headaches and was popularly used in treatment of rheumatism. According to a study conducted by professor of University of Lowa, Salvia may have potential as an analgesic and may be used for treating drug addictions. The lower dosages of this miraculous herb are however used as diuretic and as treatment for ailments like diarrhea, anemia and a semi-magical disease known as panzn de borrego, or a swollen belly.

Reportedly the short term effects produced after the intake of this rare herb are increased insight, improved mood, improved concentration and increased confidence. Now-a-days salvia dragon, the extract made from salvia divinorum is quite popular in the recent times and is known to generate effects like lucid out of body experiences, feeling of weightlessness, finding the secret knowledge, feeling of oneness and peace with the universe, feeling calm and peaceful. The sale of Salvia Dragon is usually not very common and is quite costly when purchased from retailers. The best way to buy salvia divinorum would be to purchase from online suppliers who usually offer these products at affordably lower rates.

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