Kamis, 31 Mei 2018

Positive Thinking - Positive Life

Positive Thinking - Positive Life

Image source: http://www.quotesvalley.com/images/28/power-of-positive-thinking.jpg

How many times have you said to yourself, I wish my mind would just shut itself off. I need to sleep! Then you began thrashing around in bed, trying to find a comfortable position never quite finding it. Mind on go. Body exhausted. Beating yourself up for having a sleep problem. Angry and at a loss for a solution.

It is no wonder our minds are racing and we're problem solving at 3 o'clock in the morning. Most of us have a lot of stress. Research states the average human has between 7, 500 and 70,000 thoughts per day depending on how the researcher defines thought and what is going on in a person's life. Deep thinkers have more thoughts than other people. If you are reading and studying, you'll naturally have more thoughts. If you are on vacation, relaxing on the beach, you'll probably have fewer thoughts.

Between 70% and 85% of our thoughts are negative. Shockingly, an average person thinks positively barely 30% of the time. All of that negativity causes us to stay in an emotionally aroused state, creating a chronic fight or flight syndrome. We get wound up in a negative idea and just can't seem to let it go. Our adrenal glands are overworked, therefore our body is on overload. Exhausted, we begin to wonder if something bad is going to happen and then we begin to worry about the worry. At this stage of overload, we enter a state of complete overwhelm.

If your family members are anxious, negative thinkers and worriers, you learned negative thinking during childhood. You learned to respond to situations with stress, anxiety and negative thoughts, always wondering about or predicting a negative outcome. You learned words like What if, I should have, You can't and Impossible.

Research has proven the existence of an anxiety gene. If you are a habitual negative thinker and a chronic worrier, it is possible that part of your anxiety is the result of your genetics. Whatever the source of stress, when negativity becomes the favored coping skill, it can easily grow into an addiction, just like alcohol or food misuse can grow into addictions. Individuals in a state of overwhelm, with a great need to relieve emotional pain, will often choose a negative coping skill to separate themselves from situations and challenges too difficult for them to face. For some, that favored coping skill is anxiety and negative thinking. Even with all this, there is good news. You can learn to manage your anxiety and the associated negative thinking. You can become a positive thinking, positive behaving person even if you are genetically challenged by an anxiety gene. You can achieve your goal!

You already know that anxiety and negative thinking are natural partners. You may not have associated anxiety and negative thinking with depression. However, if you monitor your thinking, you'll notice you have far more anxiety and negative thoughts on sad-depressed days than you do on happier days. In fact we help create our moods, happy and depressed, with our thoughts. That is why creating positive thought aids in the treatment of anxiety and depression, some believing that positive thought coupled with cognitive therapy is as effective as an anti-depressant.

Learning to think positively is a process. During process learning you progress one step at a time, and begin to apply your new knowledge one step at a time. Many of you will learn neutral thinking before you can become positive thinkers. However, it is important to know that real change, the kind you are looking for, comes about through positive thought. Ohly positive thoughts carry a strong enough energetic vibration to lift you out of depression or prevent a panic attack. Neutral thoughts do indicate progress, and let you know positive change is taking place.

Let's look at some definitions and explanations so you'll have a road map to guide your journey into positive thought. Think about positive thought as creating an inner oasis of peace, joy and wellness. Your inner oasis imagery of an ever-replenishing, peaceful, loving place will help you succeed. Lets take a look at the three kinds of thought: Negative Thought, Neutral Thought and Positive Thought.

NEGATIVE THOUGHT is the opposite of positive thought. Therefore, when we are thinking negatively each thought is made up of negative words. This may sound obvious, but it is not. Negative thinkers have what is called 'automatic negative thinking'. In the face of a challenge, a life change or an illness thoughts go automatically to negative outcomes, and it may seem you can't redirect them to the possibility of positive outcomes. Even though these automatic negative thoughts are meant to be barriers that separate you from imagined pain, they block progress, create more anxiety and depression and maybe even cause so much internal imbalance that you begin to have panic attacks. From this point, because your body is compromised by it's heavy stress load, some people move into actual disease states and develop mental, emotional or physical disorders. Internal physical balance is necessary for good health.

NEUTRAL THOUGHT is somewhere in the middle between negative and positive. Yet, the thoughts are not really a little bit positive or a little bit negative. They still usually contain many negative words. Even a positive thought usually has a negative qualifier. Some examples: I feel horrible today, but I'll be better tomorrow - It is hard to be happy on days like this, but I'm trying.

Any POSITIVE THOUGHT has three components: Positive Content, Positive Intention, and Positive Outcome. Positive content has to do with choosing positive words when you think and speak. Positive intention reflects your desire and makes clear the positive outcome you want to create. An outcome is the result of your thinking. Positive thoughts drive positive outcomes. Positive outcomes rarely, if ever, occur through negative thinking.

The Steps to Creating Positive Thought
1. A commitment to changing your self-talk and your automatic negative thinking.

2. Learn to recognize your negative thoughts. They are usually so habitual and so frequent that negative thoughts feel normal. The feeling of normalcy makes them easy to miss. It will take a bit of time for you to isolate them. Catch as many as you can in the beginning it might notice one or two a day. Real change begins with the first negative thought you identify.

3. Learn to recognize the neutral thoughts that contain negative qualifiers.

4. Once you can recognize a negative thought, or a neutral thought with a negative qualifier, begin to label your thoughts. Sad. Resentful. Judgmental. Guilty. Shameful. Fearful. Worried. Failure. Lack of confidence. Self-loathing. Once you get started, you may realize that most of your negative thoughts come from the same few categories.

5. Once you are able to label your thoughts, begin to rephrase the negative thought into a positive thought.

6. Make a commitment to rephrase every identified negative thought as you notice it. This creates a healthier more balanced physical environment.

7. Reward your self for a job well done you are making positive changes to your health from inside out! Congratulations.

Here are some examples of labeling a negative thought and rephrasing into a positive thought.
NEGATIVE THOUGHT: Fear - I know if I do this I am going to get sick.
POSITIVE THOUGHT: My body and immune system are strong and efficient.

NEGATIVE THOUGHT: Anger, Judgment - Sam is an idiot. Only an idiot would behave like that.
POSITIVE THOUGHT: Sam is feeling challenged. I wish him well.

NEGATIVE THOUGHT: Lack of confidence - Why am I so stupid? I keep making the same mistake.
POSITIVE THOUGHT: I have the ability to be successful.

NEGATIVE THOUGHT: Guilt - I wish I hadn't said that. I could kill myself.
POSITIVE THOUGHT: I am committed to being, thinking and behaving in positive ways.

Martin Seligman, a Penn State University researcher in the field of positive thinking states these benefits to positive thought. http://www.ppc.sas.upenn.edu/bio.htm

Persistence not giving up under pressure
Increased productivity
Natural antidote for chronic depression
Optimists experience less stress and expect good outcomes
Stronger immune system and fewer illnesses
Longer life expectancy

Because negative thinking can become physical imbalance or disease, it is often necessary to supplement your body with specific nutrition. New research studies for the nutritional treatment of anxiety, depression and other emotional issues are growing in number. Safe Harbor at http://www.alternativementalhealth.com/articles/walsh.htm has a lot of reliable, research based information you might enjoy reading.

The Nutritional Journal has excellent information and you can find it at http://www.nutritionj.com/content/7/1/2 . Please take the time to view this chart matching diagnosis with appropriate nutrients. http://www.nutritionj.com/content/7/1/2/table/T1 The chart is worth a look if you have sincere interest in nutritional treatments.

Also explore Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University. http://lpi.oregonstate.edu/ Dr. Pauling was one of the pioneers in the field of nutritional treatment for emotional symptomology.

Looking for a holistic psychiatrist? You'll want to research under the heading orthomolecular psychiatry. The treatment you receive may be a combination of traditional medication and mega-nutritional therapy. Or, the treatment may be completely nutritional.

Change your life. Create a positive addiction with constant, beautiful positive thought.

Author's Bio: 

Janet Nestor is a Diplomat in in Energy Psychology, and a Mental Health Therapist who practices holistically. You can find her Facebook Pathways to Wholeness Mindfulness Discussion page at www.facebook.com/pathwaystowholeness To purchase her book Pathways to Wholenss click http://amzn.to/c9cyP6. Her bi-monthly articles appear in Sibyl on line ezine for women. Introduce yourself to Sibyl ezine by clicking http://sibylmagazine.com/ Her blog, www.mindfulpathways.com is a great place to get to know her, find information about her classes and download your free mindfulness meditations. Please join Janet's Twitter family at http://twitter.com/#!/JanetNestor and when you do write her a note to say hello! Her tweets are identified by #mindfulpathways.

Polio vaccine

Polio vaccine

Image source: http://www.healthheritageresearch.com/Polio-Vaccine/gallery/images/Acc0987.jpg

Currently there are two polio vaccines that are in use throughout the world to fight against polio. Jonas Salk, the man who invented the first, started his work on a vaccine in 1955. The vaccine worked in two steps: first a dose of killed polio virus is injected, and then an oral polio vaccine must be taken which contains a live but much weakened form of the virus. This vaccine was first tested in 1957 on humans, and was later liscensed in 1962.

Now the Swine flu, (H1N1) is a class 2 carcinogen. It has been demonstrated that the SV40 is one of the activators of HIV-AIDS virus and causes lung and brain cancer. Now when you combine this H1N1 (Swine flu) vaccine that is being orchestrated by the World Health Organization as being a phase 6 emergency, (legislation gets passed without it being tested properly), and add mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde and other toxins present in the vaccine, and a possible agent for future cancers designed to decimate world population, one would have to decline this super hoax on the American people.

The use of mycoplasmas in epidemics is man made because of the tell tale strains that identify them. First it was the polio, then the mycoplasma in cattle, tobacco, horses, and birds. The cancer within the government formed the Federation of the American Society for Experimental Biology or FASEB. Then in 1918, a flu virus modified with a bird mycoplasma was created. This killed millions because there was no acquired immunity for this compound virus.

For many international travelers, however, polio may be in the center of their universe. Polio exists in many regions of the world. Travelers to these areas must discuss their polio vaccine history with their travel doctors before departure. Even those who were fully vaccinated as kids may need a booster injection, if they will be traveling to a high risk polio region. These adult travelers, who were vaccinated decades earlier, may not realize that they are at risk. The stakes are high. While most polio infections are mild, devastating paralysis is a rare complication.

Childhood vaccination had become a routine and Uptil 1999 polio virus has been completely and successfully eradicated from the major developed countries. America has been declared as a completely polio free region in 1994. Cuba , Brazil, Mexico , Costa Rica win the race earlier in1985 with the help of this supplemental mass administration of oral as a routine administration.

Polio is caused by the polio virus, and is spread through contaminated water or food or though close contact. It invades the nervous system, and can cause total paralysis in a matter of time. It can strike at any age, but children below three are the first to be affected. As the virus enters the body through oral passages, the initial symptoms are fever, fatigue, headache, vomiting, and stiffness in the neck and pain in the limbs. From your blood, it enters, largely your motor neurons in your spinal cord. Our motor neurons are the one responsible for transmitting the brain messages for movement in your limbs.

Rabu, 30 Mei 2018

Pneumonia and its causes, risk factors and diagnosis

Pneumonia and its causes, risk factors and diagnosis

Image source: http://static.fastbleep.com/assets/notes/image/4906_1.jpg

There are are mechanisms to protect your lungs from infection at each stage of the respiratory stage, but because you are very much exposed to viruses and bacteria sometimes these mechanisms fail in protect your respiratory system and you develop pneumonia. The infectious agents are attacked by white blood cells and all the process determins inflammation and difficult breathing.
Varius types of pneumonia include: Community-acquired pneumonia that is aquired at school, work or the gym which may be mistaken with the acute eosinophilic pneumonia developed by soldiers. Nosocomial pneumonia which occurs in hospitalized people, especially in those who are on a mechanical ventilator, are in the intensive care unit or have a compromised immune system. This type is severe especially in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases or HIV/AIDS.

Aspiration pneumonia which has been described in a brain injury or other condition affects your normal gag reflex, when the content of the stomach is inhaled in your lungs after vomiting. Opportunistic pneumonia appears in people with compromised immune systems, with AIDS, sickle cell disease, other conditions that impair the immune system. For example, P. carinii pneumonia that almost never occurs inhealthy people.

Risk factors Persons aged 65 and older, very young children, persons with immune deficiency diseases as HIV/AIDS and chronic illnesses, removed spleen, impaired immune system. It has been proved that smoke and abuse alcohol are dangerous too. People who require mechanical ventilation are particularly at risk because the breathing tube, patients hospitalized in an intensive care unit, exposion to certain chemicals or pollutants, toxic fumes. Exposion to fungus as: Coccidioidomycosis, found in the US, Southern California and the desert Southwest or histoplasmosis moslty found in Ohio and Mississippi River valleys.

When to seek medical advice if you experience shortness of breath, chest pain that fluctuates, cough, an unexplained fever with chills and sweats. If you have heart failure or lung ailments, pneumonia can prove fatal in as little as 24 hours.

Screening and diagnosis After your doctor exams you and diagnosis the pneumonia you will be sent to chest X-rays and if the image is not clear enough then you may have a more sophisticated imaging test known as a computerized tomography (CT) scan, which takes a series of computer-directed X-rays. Blood tests are necesary and sometimes the examination of your phlegm.


In young and healthy people your pneumonia is treated with succes, but with the age and if your health is deteriorated: heart failure or lung ailments pneumonia is harder to cure. You may develop the following complications: Bacteremia if the infection invades your bloodstream this way it spreads quickly to the other organs, interferes with your ability to breathe because inflammates your lungs. Pleural effusion occurs when sometimes fluid accumulates between the thin, transparent membrane (pleura) covering your lungs and the chest wall.

You can find great content regarding pneumonia causes, pneumonia symptoms and many more by visiting http://www.pneumonia-center.com/

Play badminton and stay fit

Play badminton and stay fit

Image source: https://images.cdn.fourfourtwo.com/sites/fourfourtwo.com/files/styles/inline-image/public/badminton.jpg?itok=bTr5uBs6

Playing badminton can have numerous positive health and fitness benefits on your body. Its a sport full of fun, excitement, and body movements; promoting life longevity. It makes our body physically fit, reduces bad cholesterol, strengthens heart muscles and reduces our weight. Another health benefit of badminton is protection from heart diseases like heart attacks. Regular involvement in the sport helps in achieving optimal weight loss combined with a balanced diet as well. In addition, it reduces the occurrence of cancers like cancer of the large bowel and breast cancer.

Badminton a fast paced game increases your speed and improves your reflexes. It helps to shun depression and stress; you enjoy a better sleep in the night. The sport is really very helpful for hypersensitive people as it will help them to avoid stressing their heart too much. It controls diabetes by decreasing the production of sugar by the liver. Playing badminton improves the cardio respiratory fitness resulting in improved stamina and increased energy. Thus it improves individuals well being by improving the confidence and a more active social life.

Aloe vera-a medicinal plant

Aloe vera has several health benefits from health to nutrition and is widely popular as a medicinal plant. Drinking aloe vera juice has many positive health benefits as it includes essential vitamins and minerals. Here are some nutritional benefits of aloe vera to keep your body healthy and diseases free:

Aloe vera juice replenishes the body naturally due to the presence of amino acids.

It reduces inflammation including joint and muscle mobility

Drinking aloe vera juice enhances body defense system as it contains vitamins, folic acid and niacin.

You can a complete dose of minerals like copper, iron, sodium, zinc, calcium, potassium, magnesium, chromium and manganese.

It naturally cleanse digestive system and is helpful for constipation

Aloe vera imparts energy and helps to maintain a healthy body weight

It relieves heartburn, arthritis and lower blood sugar levels

You can have strong and healthy teeth by drinking aloe vera juice

It acts as a tonic for female reproductive system and also rejuvenates the uterus

Aloe vera gel is useful for healthy hair; prevents dandruff and lice

Therefore, with so many health benefits aloe vera plant is considered as a miracle plant capable to cure even serious ailments like cancer and AIDS.

Benefits of banana for beauty treatment

Banana does wonders on skin and hair as it is rich in potassium, natural oils, carbohydrates and vitamins. It provides shine, growth, controls dandruff, decrease hair fall and prevents split ends and breakage. Banana facial masks enhance the glow on your face and help in strengthening the hair. Ripe bananas are used to treat dry feet resulting in soft and supple feel. The fruit has anti-bacterial properties and is wonderful in treating skin blemishes, acne and pimples. In addition to so many beauty benefits it is useful for anti-aging too. Banana works very well on dry skin by softening and hydrating the skin. Grab a banana and beautify yourself!!

Selasa, 29 Mei 2018

Picture This! Use Visual Aids to Illustrate Your Ideas

Picture This! Use Visual Aids to Illustrate Your Ideas

Image source: http://image4.slideserve.com/7395362/visual-aids-n.jpg

When you communicate verbally, you communicate in one of the most direct ways you can to get your idea across to an audience. Yet, you can enhance what you say and how you say it by showing what you say. Letting people see your message adds another dimension to your communication. Visualizing your message may be the deciding factor that clarifies your idea and convinces your audience to act on or support it.

This is where visual aids help seal the deal.

Visual aids support your message in a way that enhances your spoken words. Visual aids help your audience establish a connection between what you say and what the idea looks like on paper, projected on a screen, in a video, using a model mock-up, or whichever medium best supports your message.

Here are some guidelines to follow to create and use visual aids to reinforce your idea presentation.

Create a consistent look. Make a visual template. Incorporate logos and colors, arrange information in similar locations, and use the same backgrounds on each visual. By establishing a uniform look throughout, you can ensure that your visuals are focusing only on the most important aspect: your idea. Use this approach when creating handouts, digital format presentations, and even in follow-up materials that you plan to send to participants after the meeting.

Gauge text size, darkness, and thickness by how well your visuals can be seen from the farthest points of the room. Include side views as well as rear view. By performing this visibility check ahead of time, you can save your audience from confusion or frustration at not seeing the visual aids clearly. If youre considering a PowerPoint presentation or anything digital that will be displayed from the front of the room, plan for extra time before the meeting to set up the projection area. Prepping ahead of time helps you ensure that the entire audience can grasp your message regardless of their position in your dedicated meeting space.

In visual presentations, limit colors to four: black, blue, red and green. If you use too many colors, you dilute the positioning and value of your intended message. Not to mention it wont look as professional. Be sure to use the four colors in this way:

o Black primary color for text and graphic outlines.
o Blue secondary color for text and graphics.
o Red bullets and highlighting.
o Green highlighting.

Toys, models, and samples are also visual aids. For variety, use these tools in your presentation, but be sure to use them appropriately and sparingly. If your idea can be developed into a prototype that the audience can see and/or touch, then it will offer even greater visualization for the information being presented. Even if you cant get a physical object, consider the power that a drawing or animation can provide. These are excellent tools for demonstrating physical relationships of parts, how something works, or clarifying a complex concept.

Have a Plan Oops! As convenient as technology has become in the way of presenting information, there are still times when it fails us. If (or when) that happens to you, youll want to have your visuals in an alternative format like a paper printout. Just one printoutin coloris all you need to have with you. And put your visual files on a portable storage medium (CD, DVD, thumb drive, or smartphone). If something goes wrong with the primary technology, your Plan Oops! can be copied, printed, or uploaded and distributed to your audience.

Beware of using visual aids just because the medium is the hottest thing out there, the visuals look pretty, or cost a lot of money. Visual aids must support, rather than overwhelm or distract, your message. You may only get one chance to share your idea with the right audience. Consider enhancing your message and the experience you want to deliver by integrating visual aids into your presentation.

Senin, 28 Mei 2018

Picking Up the Pieces of a Shattered Mind

Picking Up the Pieces of a Shattered Mind

Image source: http://m.likesuccess.com/quotes/11/521561.png

For some, it is easy to visualize the Human Mind as a single, cohesive unit with all parts collectively working to run the rest of the body. This is the way the mind works for most people. The process is smooth, clean, and seamless. However, most people who are not mental health experts fail to see that the mind is a fragile thing. An appropriate metaphor for mental health would be a beautiful porcelain tea set from the Ming Dynasty of China. You lose just one piece and the set automatically loses all value. In a similar manner, damaging or losing one aspect of a person's mental health can create permanent damage.

The human mind, however, is a ferociously adaptive thing. The constant barrage of stress and anxiety over the course of human evolution has given people a rather potent talent for recovery. People pick up the fragments of mental health and attempt to move on much the same as before the trauma. Most people find ways to get over their problems without outside help, alleviating the stress that caused the problem initially. In other cases, people require counseling to help the self-repair process start. However, in the case of dissociative identity disorder, the adaptability of a person's psyche can, itself, pose a problem.

Dissociative identity disorder (DID) is probably better known in pop culture as "split personality disorder." The causes of this particularly dynamic mental health disorder varies from patient to patient, according to most studies. For some, extreme cases of stress and anxiety push the personality of the patient to the breaking point, forcing the mind to adapt by developing a stronger personality. In other cases, the incredible unwillingness of a person to perform a task required of them forces the mind to create a personality better suited to handling the task than the original. In most cases, the "split" is caused by extreme emotional and psychological trauma, with some instances having physical trauma acting as "insult" to the earlier emotional and mental "injury."

The difficulty in detecting DID lies in the fact that the various physical and psychological signs can often be easily misdiagnosed. Memory lapses are just as likely to be caused by stress and anxiety as they are by personality B taking control from personality A. A prolonged state of acute sadness can be a sign of the patient developing depression, or it is possible that personality C is reliving emotions from a past trauma. Since the personalities can interact with one another and address the patient directly, it can sometimes be mislabeled as an advanced form of schizophrenia. The fact that the more overt symptoms are not constant (different symptoms can appear at different times) also makes it difficult to accurately diagnose DID without prolonged observation.

Treatment for DID generally focuses on integrating all of the personalities until there is only one left, which may or may not be the original personality. The process is a slow-going one, which makes full use of a wide range of therapeutic and counseling techniques, as well as psychoactive medications. In general, the use of drugs is used to alleviate related symptoms, but the disorder itself can only be tackled in the battlefield of the mind.

Phonak Hearing Aids The Inspiro, Naida And Exelia

Phonak Hearing Aids The Inspiro, Naida And Exelia

Image source: http://discountedhearing.net/image/cache/data/phonak_naida-500x500.JPG

Phonak is a one of the global leaders in the development and manufacturers of digital hearing systems. Phonak hearing aids use a state-of-the-art technology to provide solutions to people experiencing hearing loss in challenging environments. The Phonak hearing aids are available in three products namely, the Exelia, Naida and Inspiro.

Exelia is a sophisticated Phonak hearing aid that combines advanced technology, audiological expertise and wireless connectivity. This Phonak hearing aid will offer you an unprecedented hearing performance, convenient control and easy access to modern communication and entertainment devices.

Basing on the features, the three components of the Phonak heaing aid Exelia are Performance, Control and Connectivity. The performance aspect of the hearing aid includes technologies in the likes of SoundFlow, VoiceZoom, WhistleBlock, EchoBlock, WindBlock, NoiseBlock Processing, SoundRelax, and Real Ear Sound.

The ZoomControl, myPilot, and QuickSync are all integrated in the control feature of the Exelia. The connectivity function constitutes the iCom, which can be combined with the use of mobile phone, music and television. The myPilot and iCom function are also integrated in the available accessories of this certain Phonak hearing aid.

Another Phonak hearing aid is the Naida. The Naida is designed for those experiencing severe to profound hearing losses. It includes technological innovations like SoundRecover that enhances audibility and clarity of speech and everyday sounds. Some of the Exelia features were also included in the Naida hearing system.

These features, namely the WhistleBlock, SoundFlow, NoiseBlock, WindBlock, Real Ear Sound and QuickSync all offers a better hearing experience for those experiencing intense hear loss. To ensure uncompromised performance, the Naida also has a slim and water resistant design.

The Dynamic FM technology was introduced by Phonak during the EUHA 2007 Conference and it gave way for the Inspiro heaing aid. This Phonak hearing aid features new chip, algorithm, software and mechanics. Additionally, it contains an original receiver that automatically adjusts to hearing instruments.

Where to Get Phonak Hearing Aid

Phonak has provided an Information Request page on their Web site for those wanting to ask more about the available Phonak Hearing Aid. By sending a request, customers would also receive a free consumer guide or booklet, namely the "Five Facts You Should Know Before Buying Hearing Aids". This guide will help you understand the different types of hearing loss, the effect of hearing loss to your life and your loved ones, as well as several discussions on the different levels of technology that can help you fight hearing loss.

The Phonak US headquarters is located at Warrenville, Illinois but their parent company is located in Switzerland. Phonak hearing aids are available from several distributors around the world. It is virtually impossible to miss Phonak hearing aid systems in your country.

Minggu, 27 Mei 2018

Perils of Ignorance about Sexual Health

Perils of Ignorance about Sexual Health

Image source: http://studenthealth.missouri.edu/images/wowaidstext.png

Ignorance is a bliss this has been the deal. The long been promulgated idea has been inculcated in the minds of people and has dictated their actions since time immemorial. Politicians, in general, use this concept as they swiftly circumvent every charge filed against them - now, that was just for a few laughs. They say that the lesser you know, the lesser the dangers to your life. But this is not always the case.

What are we discussing? You don't know? Well, it's about ignorance.

Ignorance doesn't always put us on the safe side. Instead, ignorance can sometimes spell danger. Contrary to popular belief, there is no better defense to life's toxic predicaments than a handful of knowledge, and a dose of good, old-fashioned common sense.

Again, to clarify things...the ignorance we are referring to is the sheer lack of knowledge and understanding about sexuality. Sexuality is still one of the most talked about topics in society even if it is responsible for perpetuating human life. But even more rare are the avenues for lengthy and tedious discussion about healthy sexuality. This issue is really a matter of life and death. As a student goes to school for academic nourishment, so must adults go to constantly rendezvous with health professionals in the sexual health clinic.

The sexual health clinic, contrary to what the name suggests, isn't only geared towards the treatment of sexually-related diseases and sex-related ailments. It is a place where people can get information about sexual health. Genito-urinary medicine (GUM) clinics and sexually transmitted disease (STD) clinics are just some of the other names that are attributed to sexual health clinics. These institutions are manned by, at the very least, one medical staff who can discuss sexually-related issues. The staff on duty can also refer patients to other health-related institutions which, in their stead, can provide further health service to the patient. Some sexual health clinics target specific types of populations while other clinics cater to all kinds of patients of sexual orientation or preference. According to www.wikipedia.org, there are some clinics that operate specifically to cater to lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders. These medical institutions provide, with the aide of medical breakthroughs, a wide-array of up-to-date treatments and procedures. Male sexual health clinics have long been providing medical assistance to treat erectile dysfunctions, infertility, premature ejaculation, prostate cancer, prostate gland enlargement, prostatitis, testicular cancer and other male sexual problems.

Female sexual health clinics, on the other hand, provide medical attention to treat a number of sexual and non-sex related illnesses such as menopausal symptoms, hot flashes, and vaginal dryness. Treatments like hormone therapy are provided to address cases of loss of sexual desire or drive, problems with arousal or orgasm, and pain or discomfort during intercourse.

Perfectly Managing the ...ahem...Perfume... in Adult Diapers When the Dog Days Are Here

Perfectly Managing the

Image source: http://image4.slideserve.com/7396420/perfectly-capable-of-managing-n.jpg

Lets face it - coping with urinary incontinence (UI) is bad enough - but add to that the issue of bowel incontinence - and you've got a whole new situation to deal with. A particular clump of headaches to cope with.

If you live with bowel control issues, you know first hand the embarrassment that odor can cause.

At times life happens and you can not get away to change your adult diaper. You're at the mall, on on the train, you're at work, or maybe you're at school and you have forgotten your extra supplies, or you can't get away to change now that there's no location to change. The event is worse if it's a hot, maybe even sticky, summer day, and odors are compounded.

The loss of face as people around you start to sniff the air, and you're keeping your eyes pointed forward praying, hoping, that nobody recognizes that it's you. Or, better yet, you're faking because you're sniffing the air too - trying to redirect the attention away from you.

As a rule people do not choose to sit in a messy adult diaper - but when life happens and you can't get to a restroom - what can you do to obscure the... ahem... scent?

When you're desperate, you'll employ anything to try and disguise the odors broadcasting from the adult diaper. Search out a gas station and stock up on those air freshners and wear them in your adult diaper. That is a visual for you!

In all seriousness it doesn't have to be that way...the solution is easier than you may surmise - and quite money friendly! A travel sized spritzer bottle filled with water and a drop or two of essential oils. Hold-up - men - before we kiss goodbye your attention -- not all essential oils are 'girlie' smelling. So, utilizing essential oils won't make you 'womanish'.

You will need a standard and a small (purse-sized), spray bottle, essential oils and water. Essential oils can be sold as a single oil or an oil blend. Many big retail stores and your public drugstore carry these oils and they can also easily be found online. Many malls have specialty shops dedicated to soaps and oils. You can find "feminine" oils (floral scents like Geranium, Lavendar, Jasmine) or masculine (earthy like Sandalwood, Cedarwood, Oakmoss, Black Pepper, most citrus scents, etc).

While some of the more hunk scents aren't by definition freely available (like Black Pepper) at your community pharmacy stores, if you look for masculine blends - you will find that many blends incorporate several essential oils into a blend.

Take your spray bottles, drop in1-3 drops of the essential oil (3 drops for the run-of-the-mill spray bottle, 1 drop for the small (travel-sized) spray bottle - and fill with water.

Before going out for the day - take your normal-sized spray bottle and freely spritz your adult diaper - one quick spray will do it. Pack the small (pocket-sized) spray bottle in your supply bag, within easy reach. This will help hide any shameful odors. And, because the smaller spray bottle is pocket-sized, it fits readily into a pocket or carryall - rucksack, laptop bag - you guessed it - no one has to know. Then, if you realize in the heat of the day that you're not smelling as fresh - you can discreetly bring out your bottle and add another spray. All people will know is the essence of your preference of essential oil.

An added fringe benefit to this cost effective way of handling odor, is that you and everyone around you benefits from the properties of the essential oil. As we all know, Lavender has a relaxing affect, Grapefruit aids concentration, eases stress and lightens the spirit, Peppermint helps alleviate headaches.

You can even have a little bit of merrymaking during Christmas season - by using holiday scents - so everybody thinks you're genuinely in the Christmas spirit!

Sabtu, 26 Mei 2018

Peppermint and Lemon Aromatherapy Foot Bath Recipe

Peppermint and Lemon Aromatherapy Foot Bath Recipe

Image source: http://beautetude.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/IMG_5095.jpg

Simple peppermint and lemon aromatherapy foot bath recipe for tired feet will lift depression, relieve stress and aid relaxation. Using essential oils as part of your everyday relaxation and destressing practice makes a lot of sense...
The aroma from the oils interacts with the nerve centers in your brain and helps to release tension and induce a state of calm and the actual exercise of sitting still gives you a chance to relax and reflect. We really encourage our clients to enjoy a foot bath as a way of treating themselves. Why? An aromatherapy foot bath is effective and easy to do at home - real DIY stress relief.
Here are our favourite ways of using a peppermint and lemon aromatherapy foot bath recipe with essential oils to ease and restore tired feet... And the benefits extend beyond just fresher feet!

Foot Bath Recipe 1

1 cup Epsom salt
4 drops lemon and 4 drops peppermint


Add oil to the salts and keep in a sealed container.
Use 1 tablespoon in warm foot bath, once a week.
(Can use Dead Sea salts instead of Epsom salt. Or, skip the salt and just add the oils directly to the water. You can also use other oils.)

Foot Bath Recipe 2

1 tsp. sweet almond oil
3 drops peppermint essential oil and 3 drops lemon essential oil


Fill a basin with warm water; and then add the almond oil, peppermint oil and lemon oil.
Swish the water with your hands to mix the oil.
Soak your feet in the water until your feet feel tingly and cool.
Put pebbles or marbles in the bottom of the basin and rub your feet over them for a stimulating foot soak.

Tips for Aromatherapy Foot Baths

A good rule of thumb is 8 to 10 drops of essential oil per 2 gallons of water.
Soak for at least 15 minutes.
Listen to relaxing music to add to your relaxation.
Use different blends of oils to suit your mood and needs. Have a look at our aromatherapy essential oil reference guide for more information.

* Benefits of adding lemon oil to your foot bath...

Eliminate toxins that cause arthritic pain.
Lemon scent can lift your spirits, dispel sluggishness and relieve depression.
Oil of lemon can also help dispel fear and apathy.

* Benefits of adding peppermint oil to your foot bath...

Helps alleviate digestive problems such as indigestion and nausea.
Clears respiratory congestion and helps with sinusitis, colds and bronchial asthma.
Helps to clear the mind and aids concentration.
Use peppermint to assist with anger, guilt and apathy.

People With HIV are still expecting a Poor Quality OfLife According to Study

People With HIV are still expecting a Poor Quality OfLife According to Study

Image source: http://www.giantimagemanagement.com/yahoo_site_admin/assets/images/nonno.150150544.JPG

For many people with HIV poor quality of life is something that they have to deal with on a daily basis. While being diagnosed with HIV is still a traumatic experience, the fact is that today treatment options make coping with the virus much easier than it was in the past. Now that doesn't mean that HIV is not something that should still be avoided, it just means that today it is more of a chronic illness than it is a terminal one. Unfortunately while the medications today can keep HIV in check and prevent it from progressing to AIDS in many cases, those same medications have a lot of side effects that can have a big impact on the quality of life of the patient.

HIV Medications Are Necessary For Patients Infected With The Virus

When HIV first began to emerge decades ago being diagnosed with it was a virtual death sentence. With no viable treatment options, the vast majority of people who tested positive for HIV would have it quickly progress to AIDS, with death soon to follow. For these people with HIV poor quality of life was a major understatement. In fact, during this time period, HIV was not something that was often tested for. So by the time a patient went to a doctor about their illness it had often progressed to full-blown AIDS given them a very poor prognosis.

Fortunately, today advances in medicine have transformed HIV from being a terminal illness into a long-term illness. By taking a cocktail of drugs it's possible in most patients to keep the viral load in their blood so low that it is virtually undetectable. Not only does this mean that they will probably never have to watch as their disease progressed to AIDS, it also meant that they were much less likely to transmit the virus to others.

HIV Medications Often Have Very Serious Side Effects

It's been said that sometimes the cure is worse than the disease. In the case of HIV, this is definitely not true because the disease will almost always lead to the death of the patient if they are not treated. However with that being said many of the side effects of the medications used to keep HIV in check can have a major negative impact on a patient's life. Common short-term side effects that are considered to be less severe include fatigue, nausea, headaches, diarrhea, development of a rash, insomnia, and dry mouth. Looking at this list of what are considered to be minor side effects should give you a good indication of how much of an impact these medications can have on a patient.

In addition to short-term and minor side effects, HIV treatment medications can also have more serious and longer-term side effects. These side effects include weight loss, higher cholesterol or triglyceride levels. redistribution of body fat, higher blood sugar levels, a build-up of cellular waste products, and also bone density loss.

HIV Treatment Is The Key To Keeping Patients Healthier

While having HIV will have a fairly significant impact on most patients, the fact remains that today treatment options offer far more hope than they did when the virus first began to emerge. HIV itself can cause a lot of unpleasant symptoms, and the drugs used to treat it can amplify those symptoms, and cause additional side effects of their own. While this can have a big impact on the qualify of life for patients, it's still a better option than allowing the virus to progress to AIDS.

Jumat, 25 Mei 2018

People That Changed the Perception of HIV

People That Changed the Perception of HIV

Image source: http://img.picturequotes.com/2/131/130886/i-just-found-over-the-years-that-its-very-hard-to-change-peoples-perception-of-what-it-is-that-you-quote-1.jpg

HIV and AIDS have gone through a fairly large perception change since the first death at the virus hands in 1959. Initially dismissed as a problem only in the gay community, it is now widely accepted as the horrendous killer it has always been and AIDS tests are rightly promoted as vital for all sexually active individuals. More than 25,000,000 people have died from HIV and AIDS and many more carry the virus, but some of the deaths and suffering have not been in vain as they have helped change the worldwide perception of the disease. Heres a few of them.

Ryan White

Through his landmark legal battle with the school system, Ryan White (1971-1990) is credited with forcing AIDS issues onto the public agenda at a time when it was widely being both ignored and misunderstood. Born a hemophiliac, Ryan was treated with Factor VIII a blood product formed from the blood of non-hemophiliacs to manage the bleeding. It turned out that this was tainted with the HIV virus.

Despite being healthy for most of his childhood, he fell seriously ill in the winter of 1984, and was diagnosed with AIDS during a partial-lung removal. The disease was still in its early stages of understanding, associated exclusively with the gay communities of New York and San Francisco where it had first been diagnosed, and only recently associated with the HIV virus. As such, HIV tests were uncommon and much of the blood supply was tainted (it has been estimated that nearly 90% of hemophiliacs treated between 1979 and 1984 became infected with HIV). White was given 6 months to live by doctors.

Upon feeling better, his parents tried to get Ryan back into school, but their bid was blocked by staff who did not understand that AIDS was not spread through non-sexual contact. Although scientists knew it was a blood disease, there was a lot of misinformation about the disease, and as recently as 1983 it had been reported that household contact may transmit HIV. After an 8 month legal battle, White was allowed to return to school to the horror of parents and some staff many parents withdrew their children and started an alternative school. After an unhappy spell at the school where White was made to feel deeply uncomfortable, he moved onto another where he was accepted by many who had been better educated about the disease.

Because of the publicity of the legal battle, White became nationally recognized, meeting celebrities such as Michael Jackson, Elton John, Phil Donahue and President Reagan. Four months after Ryans 1990 death, Congress enacted The Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency Act in his honor.

Rock Hudson

Rock Hudsons homosexuality was a closely guarded secret, and the romantic leading mans image was carefully crafted, well aware that his sexuality could ruin his career. For this reason, when he was first diagnosed with AIDS in 1984, his management claimed it was liver cancer. One year later, and two months before his death, a visibly deteriorating Hudson admitted he was suffering from AIDS. At the time, the disease was associated with as E-online put it sodomites, Haitians, junkies and other marginalized people, not upstanding Americans like movie stars. Rock Hudson was amongst the first famous people to die from the disease, and was partially responsible for making AIDS and HIV testing a mainstream issue. As Morgan Fairchild said: Rock Hudsons death gave AIDS a face.

Ilka Tanya Payan

Ilka Tanya Payan was a Dominican actress (she played a small part in Scarface) and later a prominent lawyer practicing immigration law. In 1986, an HIV test proved positive, but she kept her status quiet for a long time. In 1993 she publicly admitted her condition making her one of the first Latino celebrities to reveal their HIV positive status. Latin America generally believed that AIDS was a disease that only affected homosexuals, and Payans heterosexuality challenged this. For the remaining 3 years of her life, the former actress devoted her life to educating the public about the realities of HIV and AIDS, and she was given the honor of being chosen as a featured speaker for the United Nations World AIDS Day panel.

Freddie Mercury

Queen front man Freddie Mercury was possibly the most high profile celebrity to succumb to the AIDS virus. According to Jim Hutton, Mercurys partner, he had a positive AIDS test in the spring of 1987, but it was only 4 years later, after a dogged perusal by the British gutter press that he admitted that he had the deadly disease. Just over a day later, Freddie Mercury died, and although he has been criticized for keeping his condition a secret (it has been argued he could have done a great deal for AIDS awareness and fund-raising by talking openly about it), posthumously he has done a great deal for spreading the word for AIDS tests and HIV awareness. The remaining members of Queen founded The Mercury Phoenix Trust and organized The Freddie Mercury Tribute Concert for AIDS Awareness which featured the likes of Robert Plant, Elton John, Metallica, David Bowie, Guns N Roses, George Michael and Liza Minnelli performing for 72,000 at Wembley Stadium, broadcast in 76 countries to an estimated audience of 1 billion people.

Magic Johnson

Basketball legend Magic Johnson is without doubt the most prominent sportsman to have had a positive HIV test. During a physical before the 91-92 NBA season, Johnson was tested positive, and immediately announced he would retire and dedicate his life to battling the deadly disease. He wrote a book on safe sex, and partnered with Dr Lynn Montana to help educate young people about the dangers of HIV. He also set up the Magic Johnson Foundation to spread the word. Perhaps the greatest contribution Johnson made was debunking the homosexual myth as a prominent heterosexual athlete, Magic Johnson is proof that AIDS can affect anyone and that positive HIV testing neednt be the end of a persons life indeed, he made a comeback as a player for the Lakers in 1996 five years after his first retirement.

AIDS and HIV have gone a long way from being a taboo discussion point and are now moving towards getting the attention they deserves. Its just a shame it took so many deaths, and so much campaigning to put regular HIV testing on the international agenda.

Penis Skin Care Pointers Real Help for Distressed Skin

Penis Skin Care Pointers  Real Help for Distressed Skin

Image source: http://www.newhealthadvisor.com/images/1HT00784/Paradoxical%20Breathing.jpg

Prepping for a date might include these crucial steps for the average guy: lather, rinse, repeat. Cologne might be a nice touch if the evening is special, but lotions, creams and emollients might not be part of the grooming arsenal most men maintain. These same men, however, might readily admit that they value their penis above all other body parts, and their dates might say the same. That's why penis skin care could be beneficial for almost any man. Nutrient creams can help the average man maintain sensitivity, as well as a pleasant smell and appearance, delivering real benefits a guy (and his partner) can both see and feel.

Sensitive Skin, Vital Protection

Skin sensitivity is due, in part, to basic wiring. Nerves run through all tissues in the human body, and some parts of the body have more receptors when compared to other parts of the body. The penis really wins out in this category, as it's loaded with nerve fibers and touch receptors. Penis sensation can also be impacted, however, by the condition of the skin. Rough, callused skin has its own buffer of protection from sensory input, and it simply isn't as responsive as newer, healthier tissue.

Penis creams that contain nourishing ingredients can repair skin damage, allowing sensitive skin to replace damaged cells. Ingredients to look for include:

Vitamin E
Shea butter
Vitamin D
Vitamin C

Health creams for the penis may also include ingredients that may reduce cell aging and the wrinkled, grey appearance of dead or dying cells. Alpha lipoic acid and B vitamins could be vital in this fight.

What Creams Cannot Do

Penis creams can improve the health and overall vitality of the skin, but they cannot make the penis itself any larger. A man's size is determined by genetic factors and other issues that are, unfortunately, beyond the scope of a mere lotion. There are subtle ways in which a penis health cream might relieve size concerns, however.

Skin that is tight, rough and scarred tends to lose elasticity. It cannot stretch, engorge or expand, as all of the damage that's taken place serves to lock that skin into one immovable position. The cell restoration that can come about with application of natural emollients could allow tight skin to loosen, and this might make the penis seem just a bit larger and more responsive. Although these lotions do not actually affect penis size, the healthier skin might allow for a bit more flex and movement.

Medical conditions that impact the penis also can't be amended with a penis health cream. Rashes, open sores and lesions are best handled with a visit to the doctor's office, not a trip down the aisle of the local pharmacy, but using a penis nutrient formula might be beneficial for men who want to take charge of their penis health. As they use their creams on a daily basis, they'll develop an innate sense of what the skin of the penis should look like, and they'll be aware, almost immediately, when something changes in the condition of the penis skin. As a result, they'll be in a good position to catch health problems early, when they tend to be easily handled.

Getting Started

Using the cream after a shower or bath, when the skin is clean and soft, can ensure that the healthful ingredients penetrate to deep layers and have the best opportunity to do their work. A properly designed penis health cream (most experts recommend Man 1 Man Oil) is designed to soothe the skin without leaving behind any residue that might make men feel unclean or oily. Applying the lotion at least once daily is ideal, although a twice daily application might be best for men with more advanced levels of skin damage.

Kamis, 24 Mei 2018

Penis Rash Triggers - Four Common Causes of Penile Breakouts

Penis Rash Triggers - Four Common Causes of Penile Breakouts

Image source: https://www.firstderm.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Folliculitis-5.jpg?x29572

For men with an itchy, red, uncomfortable penis rash, relief can't come quickly enough. The bumps are unsightly, and the niggling itch doesn't seem to abate no matter how much a guy might scratch. Unfortunately, rashes in intimate areas can spring from many sources, and each different rash type may require a slightly different approach to penis care.

A doctor is best qualified to determine the source of the discomfort and provide appropriate relief, but in the interim, learning more about what tends to cause skin eruptions might help. Armed with this knowledge, a man will be in a good position to help his doctor combat the rash and restore the skin to good health.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Of all penis rash causes, STDs are probably the most frightening to contemplate, and men with outbreaks of red bumps often scour their memory banks, trying to remember if they've had sex with an infected partner in the recent past. Condoms can provide protection from some STDs, but some areas of the skin are still exposed even with protection, allowing infectious agents to slip through.

A quick swab at the doctor's office could help to diagnose an STD, and appropriate treatments could keep future breakouts under control. Some types of STDs can be successfully treated with antibiotics or other medical therapies, while other infections remain in the body for decades, and they could be passed on to future partners. That's why a proper diagnosis is so important. By learning the source of the rash, a guy could keep future mates from contracting a contagious disease.


STDs often top the list of concerns for guys with rashes, but there are several other sources for penis problems, and not all of them carry such severe consequences. For example, men who handle their equipment with a firm, tight and dry grip during intimate moments could abrade their delicate skin cells and erupt in a rash in the hours that follow. Even sex could lead to a rash, if the receptive partner isn't providing adequate lubrication. Rashes like this can sometimes look like those caused by STDs, so it's always important to see a doctor, but friction abrasions do tend to heal with time and TLC.


Landry detergents, perfumed soaps and slick body lotions can contain hundreds of ingredients, and even a small amount of a skin allergen could invade the delicate tissue of the penis and cause a ring of rashes to form. Intense itching might follow, and the welts might spread to other parts of the body. Identifying the allergen is vital, as outbreaks like this tend to grow more severe in time, so men will need to avoid the items that cause the welts to rise. Allergy testing can solve the mystery, but in the interim, sticking to products that have none of the following ingredients might be helpful:

- Dyes

- Anti-bacterial agents

- Perfumes

- Deodorants

- Lye

Inadequate Care

An unclean penis that is contaminated with bacteria and dead skin cells could quickly become an infected penis that swells, itches and feels terrible. Antibiotic creams can be vital here, allowing the inflammation to fade and the skin to resume its normal work. In the case of an infection, a doctors care is generally necessary.

Cleaning with a mild soap and rinsing thoroughly is an excellent method to keep the skin of the penis from rebelling and erupting. A penis health crme (most experts recommend Man 1 Man Oil) might also help to soothe penis skin and help it to resist infection, as it contains both vitamins and emollients that can soften skin and nourish the cells, providing a strong barrier against harmful contaminants. Wearing supportive undergarments that breathe could also be vital, as these items of clothing may discourage bacterial colonies from growing in the dark, humid area around the penis.

Paul Matthew Takes The Lead In The Fight Against HIV

Paul Matthew Takes The Lead In The Fight Against HIV

Image source: http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/08/10/article-0-14679F16000005DC-384_634x815.jpg

North Star Alliance Director in Southern Africa, Paul Matthew was awarded the Dira Sengwe Leadership in AIDS award in recognition of his exceptional contribution in the response of the HIV epidemic. "This award is a recognition of what we have achieved in the last 20 years".

Paul Matthew is the founder of Trucking against AIDS, he started this project in 1996 in response to the decline in truck drivers in the transport sector. "When we investigated this problem, we realised that a lot of drivers were victims of Malaria and TB and that is when we recognised that HIV is a problem in the road freight. As a sector we decided to look into inhouse wellness programmes but that didn't help until I had a conversation with the unions and they told me that there is a big sigma with HIV so there is no way the truckers are going to disclose their status to management. Then they gave me an idea that healthcare for drivers has to be addressed out of the working environment," said Paul.

He remembers the humble beginnings of the project in 1999, particularly the very cold nights on the N3 highway, one of South Africa's most popular transport routes. Paul set up a tent in Harry Smith, working with a nurse from Qwa-Qwa and they encouraged truck drivers to get a medical check. The outcome of this attempt was shocking as they found that the majority of the truckers had STI's therefore they committed themselves to providing treatment for the drivers to decrease the spreading of HIV.

"I came up with the idea of a roadside wellness centre that will assist truckers away from their work place. I managed to get funding from the Department of Health in South Africa with the assistance of Nono Simelela and Ria Schoeman. The project brought us international recognition, in 2002 we partnered with United Nations and we set up an operation for them at Mwaza which is a border post between Malawi and Mozambique. In 2006 we partnered with TNT express and founded North Star Alliance."

Currently North Star Alliance has 32 wellness centres in 13 countries in the African continent. Paul's mission is to ensure that truckers and sexworkers get treatment and manage their health. Paul and his team are faced with the challenge of maintaining the centres due to lack of funds and difficulty to get corporate business to invest in the project which will in return benefit their truckers.

"Thanks to Dira Sengwe for recognising our hard work and for putting us on the map, hopefully this award will open the right doors for funding."

Rabu, 23 Mei 2018

Pau D'Arco A Natural Antibiotic & Powerful Anti-Fungal

Pau D'Arco A Natural Antibiotic & Powerful Anti-Fungal

Image source: http://www.naturalcity.com.au/database/images/prod_21729.jpg

We can be grateful to American Indians for a multitude of herbal and natural medicines. Pau darco has a been used as a medicine by the indigenous people of the rainforest. The Pau darco tree is a broad-leaf evergreen that grows to a height of 125 feet and produces violet colored flowers which accounts for its often being called the trumpet tree. It grows well in Peru and Argentina high in the Andes. It can be found growing in the low-lying areas of Paraguay and Brazil. Its use goes back in history to before the Incas. Pau darco tree was used to make hunting bows and as a medicine. It was observed by indigenous people that when the tree was alive and even after it was cut down, it never developed growth of mold, mildew, or fungi.

The Guarani and Topi Indians refer to the tree as tajy, which means to have strength and vigor i.e. good health. Tribal medicine people peeled off the trees bark in long strips. They then separated the inner and outer layers and used the inner bark to make healing teas. Pau d arco has crystalline oxygen infused in its inner bark, which is rich in iron, calcium, selenium, vitamins A, B-complex and C., magnesium potassium and sodium. These pau darco nutrients make give it antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal action which stimulates the immune system and fights disease. Indigenous people of South America have used pau darco for treating malaria, anemia, colitis, respiratory problems, colds, cough, flu, fungal infections, fever, arthritis and rheumatism, poor circulation, skin irruptions and sexually transmitted disease.

Lapachol, which is a photochemical, is present in the inner bark of pau darco trees has been documented as an effective natural medicine for use in treating abscesses and tumors. However, for it to be used to treat conditions such as cancer, the amount of lapachol, found in pau d arco, required to provide and effective dosage, would be toxic if used as the exclusive treatment. It can however, be used along with other cancer treatments. Pau darco is given free by the Argentina government to cancer patients and also leukemia patients because of its blood purifying qualities and because it has been know to reduce pain caused by cancer and its treatment because of pau d arcos anti-inflammatory effect.

Pau darco contains selenium which is one of our bodys natural defenses against yeast infections, vaginally as well as for topical skin treatment. Its antifungal action aids in the elimination of candida. Because of its antifungal properties, it is useful for fighting fungi that promotes athletes foot and other skin infections caused by fungi. It has also been shown to be effective in treating other infections such as tuberculosis, pneumonia, strep, and dysentery. Pau darco has a cleansing ability so is very useful for relieving intestinal infections, destroying parasites, and restoring colon health. A number of infection fighting substances known as napthoquinones seem to destroy certain disease causing bacteria, without destroying beneficial bacteria. This makes it an excellent natural antibiotic.

As a preventative, pau darco has been shown to help build our immune system with the stimulation of macrophages that fight disease. Pau darco has a high iron content that contributes to the elimination of wastes, the assimilation of nutrients and increasing oxygen supply to needed areas of the body. It helps improve hemoglobin and red blood cell corpuscles.. It therefore can be used for relief from chronic fatigue. Pau darco blood cleaning qualities makes it an excellent anti-allergy, anti-rhumatic, astringent, and cardiotonic. It is also often used to balance high blood pressure. It helps tone, balance and strengthen the heart. Pau darco helps to neutralize the poisons involving the liver which aids the liver in its blood cleansing function.. By improving the health of our blood and its flow we greatly increase the effectiveness of our immune system.

Pau darco is very useful in treatment and relief of colds, flu, herpes and hepatitis because of its antiviral qualities. It therefore is an excellent alternative or synthetic prescription or over-the -counter cold and flu treatments that often only suppress symptoms without actually curing the cause or may carry the risk of unwanted, sometimes harmful, side effects e.g drowsiness, etc.

With our concern about the undesired side effects of prescription antibiotics i.e. destroying beneficial bacteria or becoming ineffective because of bacterial mutation, we can find in pau darco ,a powerfully effective natural antibiotic alternative. As is true of many natural health care remedies, pau darco has many general health care benefits beyond the specific intended purpose. For example, if we use pau darco for relieving a cold, we will also benefit from its cleansing action of our blood and liver, fighting of yeast infection, elimination of intestinal parasites, etc. We an also benefit from its general immune building properties while treating a specific health condition. Once again, we benefit from the experience and wisdom of indigenous people, as they discovered and developed the use of pau darco another of Natures powerful gifts, a natural antibiotic.

Patience, The Key To Everything

Patience, The Key To Everything

Image source: http://i.imgur.com/9YFQsDH.jpg.jpg

What is patience? Basically, patience is waiting with difficulties. It's confidence in yourself, with a good feeling of hope. It takes place during some difficult circumstances.

When a person says to himself calming words such as it's going to be ok, every thing will be alright, I know that it will get better soon or even a prayer will help you to be patient. It's convincing yourself with soothing and assuring remarks, where you can wait for results with ease.

patience is very difficult at times, that is why it had been said that"patience is a virtue". It's something that people unfortunately don't have a lot of. Most of the people who are incapable to doing things on their own, such as people confined to a wheel chair tend to be more patient than those who are capable.

Just imagine a fully capable person who is hungry, or poor, big chance that person will steal instead of looking for a job, or be patient and pray that God will change things for them for the better. Incapability of doing things on your own, teaches a person to be patient.

I was talking to a friend of mine by the name Jay who is a proud member of Wealth Creations Network just like me. Jay is partially paralyzed and confined to a wheel chair due to an accident twenty years ago. We brought up the subject of patience. He asked me if I knew which people are the most patient and explained to me that the ones who are confined to a wheel chair are the most patient, because they are helpless where they had to learn to be patient, since they
are incapable to doing things on their own.

Being incapable teaches a person to be patient. But, this is like an imposed patience, where you have no choice but to do so. I wanted to focus on how to learn to be patient.

One easy way, is to teach our children to be patient, where they have it as a habit when they grow up. Patience and discipline comes hand in hand. Patience could be a habit taught at a younger age.

If a person is brought up inpatient, it means bad news. Why? Because you first have to brake this habit of being inpatient, which takes time but could be done. Remember! You have to be patient to become patient!

When a person endures time in difficult situation, it does not mean he or she should just sit there and wait for magic to happen to change it. Patience is doing something about the situation and wait for the result of what you did to fix it. Lets not mix patience with neglecting time.

Just listen to what people around the world and from all cultures say about patience.

-Patience is a virtue.
-Good thing comes to those who wait.
-Patience is the key to success.
-Those who are patient gets the best of what they deserve.
-If you try to learn to be patient, the world opens up to you.
-Be patient, and that patience will be rewarded.

Patience does magic with everything. Whether in loosing weight, quitting smoking, raising children or in any unexpected difficult circumstance. Just keep in mind, that patience will work wonders if you give it the time it needs. Time is a big factor in being patient,so amuse yourself while waiting, walk in the park, visit a friend, read a book or even pray to know that you are not alone, God is there for. Just get your mind occupied with things that you like to do and makes you happy.

Selasa, 22 Mei 2018

Patience is the Most Important Dog Training Tip of All

Patience is the Most Important Dog Training Tip of All

Image source: http://legitreviewmachine.com/pets/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/dog-training-food.png

The most important thing dog training tip is patience. It is very easy to become frustrated and want to give up on your dog, as you yell at them for the umpteenth time for using your house as a bathroom. However there are many things that can help make it easier on you, many useful tips that will make your life less stressful during the next few months. There are books to read, and classes to take, and people to talk to.

When you start training your dog you will soon enough realize that you need a lot of patience in addition to giving your pet a lot of love. In fact first and foremost the most important thing that can be considered as a tip is patience. This is especially true with dog training. Most people are familiar with the phrase 'you can't teach an old dog new tricks', while not always true with older dogs, it is however certainly easier to teach a younger dog when it comes to dog housebreaking obedience training.

However, many dog owners lack patience and as a result, the owner will be unable to keep from becoming when things do not go according to plan, and this can create the negative impact that can result by such a deviation from the positive-reinforcement route.

It may seem strange to consider retraining an owner before he or she trains a dog, but modern training techniques require a level of patience and calmness not always possessed by dog owners. Much research and experience has helped lead to an incontrovertible fact that successful training is dependent upon the use of positive reinforcement.

While being patient is the most important tip there are other tips that can help too.

Dog Training Tip - Start Your Puppy Training Early

When you bring home a new puppy, remember it is still important to be patient with your puppy training. The earlier you start training the puppy, the quicker he will understand and respond to your training commands, but make sure not to rush the puppy training process. You can begin the training of your puppy if he is as young as 8 weeks old. Puppies are full of energy and they are just trying to adapt and explore the new world that is around them. Of course this will mean you will have to invest some time for training and a exercise a little extra patience, but it should be worth it in the end.

Dog Training Tip - Where to Find Information

When it comes to finding information there are books like Secrets to Dog Training that come highly recommended that one can read, and certainly over and over again, the necessity of patience is emphasized in Secrets to Dog Training . There are classes to take, and people with dog training experience to talk to. Check out The American Kennel Club web site where they provide some tips.

Dog Training Tip - Looking at Dog Training Methods

It is not difficult to find dog training information, what may be difficult is deciding what school of thought you may agree with, since there are many schools of thought when it comes to dog training. How do you want to train your dog? Will you be using a crate? Will you only use rewards for good behavior? Since it is important to be able to develop a truly great relationship based on respect with you must decide how you want to go about it.

In conclusion patience is important in dog training whether a puppy or mature dog. There are many places to find information. You need to decide what method of dog training you are comfortable with. Careful research is the only answer.

Senin, 21 Mei 2018

Packing Tips For Summer Vacation

Packing Tips For Summer Vacation

Image source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/18/5f/94/185f9471fcac6b3a611e24c2e7950f48.png

To aid in making packing a little more pleasant, listed here are a few ideas that may help.

1. Categorize Items
Some resources suggest divvying up everyone's luggage into groups. Each individual can have his or her group, and within those groups there can be sub-categories. Then there can be a category for common accessories. For instance, your teen's checklist might include toiletries, leisure (such as an iPod), casual clothes, dress up clothes, night time clothes, footwear. Dad's checklist may well look a little different, and could possibly include dress clothes, everyday clothes, evening clothes, maps and/or GPS, books, and toiletries. For shared stuff, pick out one sizeable duffle bag or suitcase in which you could put your common things.

2. Lists for Regular Travelers
For those who vacation frequently, possessing a stand-by checklist tends to make a big difference. Consider building a checklist of items you will usually take with you, whatever the nature of the holiday is.

Additionally for frequent vacationers it assists to have specific travel items set aside for travelling only. Have a look at a toiletry case with travel-sized items which comprises of everything, allowing you to just get that case and know you're taken care of. The same would go for first aid or other healthcare supplies.

3. Roll, Don't Fold
An interesting event occurs if you firmly roll clothing instead of folding them. So long as you smooth the garments while you roll them firmly, they are not nearly as susceptible to wrinkling. You may even discover that you can fit far more clothing into your bags this way.

4. Little Things
It's really easy to not remember the little things. Listed below are some ideas for little items that tend to be missed, but which could make or break a holiday.

-Antibiotic gel
-All prescription drugs (also, be sure you have enough to carry you through your holiday, and check out if/where you are able to refill at your vacation spot)
-Insect repellent
-After-bite treatment (along the lines of Cortisone ointment)
-Feminine products

5. What Is Available at Your Travel destination?
Before you start packing, check out and consider just what will be available at your destination. There could be soap, toothpaste, and towels, for example. There can also be shampoo and conditioner. It will save lots of space if you don't pack the things you don't need!

I hope these tips will help to assist you in your decision in making the correct choice.

Oral Thrush - The Yeast Infection of the Mouth

Oral Thrush - The Yeast Infection of the Mouth

Image source: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhHh7KRCmt9E_ymqt7DIQa7tXzDTfli9D3m2qXd0Iz1O0cixof6b6uftF23SU3jIQ0Xa_3mUpcHgud-XQZkZR9_PQVPbsBOccKW22oCHGO0ruIyBw54LEhdP1BKKmRKM4VOgtJ6WSxIh9GH/s1600/larry+marshall+2.jpg

Yeast infection of the mouth, or oral thrush, is a form of candidiasis. Candidiasis or moniliasis are other names for oral yeast infection and is caused by the fungus candida albicans. Oral thrush can affect children, as well as adults.

Causes of oral thrush:

Babies can develop oral thrush if their mothers had an active yeast infection during delivery. It will show as white patches inside the mouth and can be painful. The baby may refuse to eat because of the pain. Yeast infection in the mouth of babies is easily treated with Nystatin drops.

If the mother chooses to breastfeed, she is at risk for infection of the breast, which can lead to pain and bleeding. She can opt to pump her breast, putting her milk in bottles instead of breastfeeding until the baby's infection has cleared up.

In adults, performing oral sex on a person who has a yeast infection can cause yeast infection in the mouth. Treatment for oral thrush in adults usually consists of anti fungal mouthwash that is swished around in the mouth then swallowed. This will effectively treat thrush that occurs in the throat. Anti fungal throat lozenges are also used to treat yeast infection of the mouth.

People diagnosed with HIV/AIDS are at increased risk for yeast infection of the mouth. One of the risk factors for yeast infection is weakened or compromised immune systems. Symptoms of oral thrush in an adult include white or yellow raised spots in the mouth, that if scraped off leave a red sore accompanied by some bleeding.

Other instances that can compromise the immune system and cause oral thrush include cancer, diabetes, use of medications such as antibiotics and drugs that prevent rejection of transplanted organs. Anti rejection medications act to reduce the immune system's ability to view transplanted organs as foreign invaders. This helps to prevent rejection.

The pain of oral thrush makes it difficult to carry out dental hygiene. Using a soft oral swabs can help. The good news this usually clears up after a few days of anti fungal treatment.

Oral thrush can also be an indication of oral cancer.

Denture wearers are at risk for oral thrush as well. Wearing dentures will always equate with having oral yeast.

Other symptoms of oral thrush include painful swallowing and fever.

If you think you have oral thrush, it is important to get medical help as soon as possible to prevent complications, such as yeast infection spreading to the throat.

Minggu, 20 Mei 2018

Open Ear Hearing Aids

Open Ear Hearing Aids

Image source: http://img.auctiva.com/imgdata/1/6/5/6/8/5/0/webimg/731677788_o.jpg

If you're thinking about getting a hearing aid, and you're like most people, you probably hope you can wear a small hearing aid that no one will be able to see. Of course, you want your hearing aid to help you hear better and to be comfortable to wear. I have good news for you! You can have it all: dramatically improved hearing and good looks. Welcome to the new era of Open Ear hearing aids.

An Open Ear hearing aid is a small, behind the ear device that sends the sound to your ear through either one of two ways. Some Open Ear hearing aids use a thin tube with a soft tip on the end to connect to your ear. A more recent innovation in Open Ear hearing aid design is the receiver in the ear delivery system. The names for this type of product vary. You may see them advertised as RIC, RITE, or CRT. They all mean the same thing, the receiver (speaker) is actually in your ear and connected to the hearing aid by a thin wire.

There are several advantages to the RITE type of connection. The wire cannot become kinked from use and will maintain its shape. Because the speaker is actually in the ear, the sound quality is better and the hearing aid can provide more high frequency amplification. Feedback (whistling) is less likely to happen because the speaker and microphone are farther apart. Hearing aid manufacturers have also developed disposable wax guards for the speaker which are easily replaced. This results in less hearing aid breakdowns from wax related issues.

Of the current Open Ear products using RITE technology, the Oticon Delta hearing aid is one of the most popular. Oticon Delta has a small, triangular design. The hearing aid looks like it might be a high-tech communication devices or fashion accessory. The Delta hearing aid is available in a variety of colors, some trendy and some designed to camouflage. I find most patients want discreet colors which hide the hearing aid in your hair and make it virtually invisible. But, occasionally a patient will want to make a bolder statement and pick something like Sunset Orange or Deep Purple.

The Oticon Delta hearing aid was selected as an International CES Best of Innovations 2007 Design and Engineering Award winner. Innovations 2007 recognizes the best-designed and best-engineered products in consumer technology, and is one of the most widely renowned consumer technology awards programs worldwide. The Oticon Delta hearing aid was awarded one of the highest scores in the Personal Electronics category based on its value to a user, aesthetics, contributions to quality of life, and innovative qualities.

Another popular new Open Ear hearing aid is the Phonak Audeo. Very tiny, light and discreet, the Audeo hearing aid has several features that make it an excellent choice. CrystalSound is the core of the hearing aid processor. It digitally amplifies the subtle, high-pitched sounds critical to understanding speech and makes sure nothing gets lost. Digital SurroundZoom is one the industry's best directional microphone systems. All packaged into a cool, Red Dot Design Award winning form that combines style with ergonomics and practicality. The Audeo shape is designed to allow optimum placement of the dual microphones on the hearing aid for the best performance in noise.

Many Open Ear hearing aids can also be used for more than just high frequency hearing loss. By making a custom tip, they can be used for moderate to severe hearing loss at all frequencies. This allows even more hearing aid users to enjoy the technological and cosmetic advantages. Open Ear technology is the new breakthrough for hearing aid users.

Online Math Help Aids Students of All Skill Levels

Online Math Help Aids Students of All Skill Levels

Image source: http://www.elearners.com/sites/all/files/public/files/math-science-engineering-degree-1200px.jpg

Elementary level math involves mastering many skills and memorizing a great deal of information in a relatively short period of time. Math facts, the relationships between numbers, basic arithmetic and advanced calculations must all be learned before kids can move on to middle school. With all of these things to learn and retain, its understandable if your child requires a little math help.

Aiding Struggling Students

Many kids lack proficiency in basic math concepts, making it difficult for them to develop a full understanding of new ideas. For these kids, online math games can be a great help. Both entertaining and academic, online games offer an adaptive learning environment that works with kids to help them reach their full potential. It can be much easier to get your struggling student to accept math help by giving them a game to play than by sitting them down with extra written homework. Through games, math becomes more interesting and learning can take place while engaging your childs natural inclination toward play.

Challenging Advanced Learners

Other students find math to be easy and may quickly become bored when they have to sit through a lesson that they already understand. If your child falls into this category, they may benefit from math help that challenges them with new ideas rather than reviewing established concepts. Online games can be used for this as well, since the learning environment is designed to adapt to your childs specific academic needs. Through the use of a rigorous curriculum in line with todays academic standards, online math games can introduce your advanced student to new ideas anytime he or she is ready. This provides kids with an edge in the classroom that can be valuable at any grade level.

The Benefits of Progress Monitoring

As a parent, its important to stay involved in your childs academic career. Parental involvement helps to reinforce the learning that takes place in the classroom and encourages kids to put their all into their schoolwork. When online games are used as an interactive tool for math help, its easy to keep track of your childs progress. These games engage your child at his or her current skill level so that new concepts can be introduced at just the right time. Getting involved in this process lets your child know that you care about how well he or she is doing, which in turn boost confidence and can help to improve academic performance.

Whether your child finds math to be a challenge or is zipping through new concepts with lightning speed, it never hurts to have tools on hand to offer a little math help. The interactive environment provided by online games gives kids the perfect setting for building new skills and moving on to advanced concepts on their own time while giving you a way to keep an eye on their progress. By being able to monitor their strengths and weaknesses, you can better help your kids to develop the proficiency necessary to excel in all levels of math.

Sabtu, 19 Mei 2018

Omega Q Plus Exposed!

Omega Q Plus Exposed!

Image source: https://images.bonanzastatic.com/afu/images/4002/6725/32/__57.jpg

One of the popular heart health supplements these days is Omega Q Plus. It contains an unique blend of Calamarine Omega 3 oil and Hydro-Q-Sorb CoQ10. These elements help to lower blood pressure and cholesterol and give you an effective and healthy heart. The majority of us know that Omega 3 is really vital for our heart health and that's why fish oils are widely endorsed notwithstanding their terrible taste. In this article I'm going to go over other herbal treatments for a healthier and stronger heart that you may not have heard about.
Organic Treatments For A Healthier Heart

Here are a few great organic remedies that can certainly help:

1. Calamarine Oil - this is full of Omega 3 and is also a key ingredient of Dr Sinatra's Omega Q plus. It actually does not come from fish in the slightest. It is found in South American squid. I hope this calms your Omega Q Plus scam fears about the ingredients of this supplement. It doesn't have a fishy aftertaste making it well liked.

2. Garlic - This herb is potentially the most widely touted treatment for heart disease in addition to its prevention. It also helps prevent numerous different ailments. Generally there are lots of studies on garlic and most of them prove that this particular herb could effectively lower cholesterol levels plus triglycerides and even raise the good HDL levels in the blood. Garlic additionally could certainly help to minimize the amount of plaque build-up inside the blood vessels as well as protect against the signs of aging.

3. Cayenne pepper - Many peppers most notably cayenne contain capsicum, a herbal component which could certainly help lower cholesterol and minimize blood clotting. Cayenne can certainly help enhance the actual strength plus elasticity of ones blood vessels in the body, namely the small capillaries. This pepper helps to regulate blood flow and in addition strengthens ones heart muscle. In addition it helps lower blood pressure too.

4. Hawthorn - This particular herb contains powerful antioxidants that will help minimize atherosclerosis, a build-up of plaque within the arteries. Hawthorn regulates your liver by preventing too a lot cholesterol from being yielded. It in addition assists to expand ones blood vessels to promote greater blood flow.

5. Bilberry - This is a kind of herb connected to blueberries that contains several powerful antioxidants called flavonoids that help to strengthen blood vessels. Some people cannot stand blueberries but I guess when they are part of a supplement, they should be palatable.

6. Valerian - This common herb has been widely utilized for sleep aids however, it additionally does wonders for ones heart as well. In the event that you are generally naturally nervous, hyperactive and / or stressed, valerian can soothe all those nerves and even calm blood pressure.

There are generally dozens more herbal remedies throughout the planet and every one has particular strengths. Your human body chemistry, tolerance for the actual herb and current medications usually dictate which herbs are generally optimal for you.

I highly recommend that you just go to the Dr Sinatra Omega Q Plus blog now for this top rated healthy heart supplement. Save 30% with the coupons. Also check out the post on Dr Sinatra Omega Q Plus scam immediately!

Nutritional Aid For Hysterectomy Related Problems

Nutritional Aid For Hysterectomy Related Problems

Image source: https://www.capitalareafoodbank.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/WRI-Waste.jpg

Hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the uterus and is done for many different reasons. One common reason is fibroid tumors (benign growths in the uterus that can cause problems). Other reasons for which a hysterectomy is performed include endometriosis and prolapse of the uterus.

Symptoms that lead women to consider hysterectomy are varied; but, include: urinary tract problems or incontinence; unusually long or heavy menstrual periods; a constant, heavy bloated feeling; unusual swelling in the abdominal region, due to fibroid tumors; intolerance to the medicine therapy prescribed for endometriosis; and infertility, due to fibroid tumors or endometriosis.

There are three different methods in which hysterectomy may be performed:

- Total hysterectomy - the cervix is removed along with the uterus.

- Partial hysterectomy - the uterus is removed but the cervix and other female reproductive organs are left intact.

- Pan hysterectomy - the ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus are removed.

Significant problems can result for many women who have one of these procedures performed. The most obvious of these occurs when the ovaries are removed together with the uterus. Because the body is suddenly deprived of estrogen; menopause begins abruptly, with its difficulties and discomforts.

This hormonal loss in turn can lead to an increased likelihood of heart disease; a greatly increased risk of bone mass loss, which often precedes osteoporosis; as well as depression, dizziness, fatigue, headaches, insomnia, joint pain, loss of libido and urinary tract problems.

Even women who keep their ovaries often experience a reduction in estrogen production and menopause comes earlier than it would have naturally. Over half of women who have partial hysterectomies experience early menopause.

The following nutritional supplements may help to counteract the unpleasant side effects of hysterectomy. A vitamin and mineral supplement regimen can reduce the risk of severe estrogen deprivation. However, discuss all supplements and medicine you are taking with your doctor; as there may be some that could have adverse effects on your surgery.

Nutritional Supplements:

Vitamin A is important in immune function and promotes tissue repair. Take 50,000 IU daily.

Vitamin B complex is needed for the nervous system and to reduce stress. Use a high stress formula. Take 100 milligrams twice daily with meals.

Vitamin C is an anti-stress vitamin also needed for tissue repair. Take 3,000 to 6,000 milligrams and up daily, in divided doses.

Vitamin E is important in estrogen production. Start with 400 IU daily and increase slowly to 1,200 IU daily.

Boron aids in calcium absorption and prevention of bone loss that can occur after hysterectomy. Take 3 milligrams daily - DO NOT exceed this amount.

Calcium is needed for the central nervous system. A lack of estrogen blocks calcium intake. Take 2,000 milligrams daily at bedtime.

Magnesium enhances the absorption of calcium. Take 1,000 milligrams at bedtime.

Potassium is needed if hot flashes occur to replace electrolytes lost through perspiration. Take 99 milligrams daily.

Zinc boosts the immune system. Use zinc gluconate lozenges for best absorption.
Take 50 milligrams daily. Do not exceed 100 milligrams daily from all supplements.

Essential fatty acids helps the body manufacture estrogen. Primrose oil is a good source. Take 1,000 milligrams 3 times daily.

L-arginine and L-lysine are essential amino acids important in recovery after surgery. Both are needed to avoid an imbalance in amino acids. Take 500 milligrams each daily an an empty stomach. Take with water or juice. Do not take with milk. Take with 50 milligrams vitamin B6 and 100 milligrams of vitamin C for better absorption.

Melatonin is a powerful antioxidant. This hormone is important in the production of estrogen, testosterone and other hormones. It aids sleep and stimulates the immune system. Take as directed on label.

Herbal Nutrition Supplements:

Herbs that may replenish natural estrogen levels include anise, dong quai, fennel, fenugreek, ginseng, licorice, red clover, sage and suma.

Herbs that may ease symptoms of ovarian cysts or uterine fibroids include black cohosh, black haw, blue cohosh, dandelion root, milk thistle, Pau D'arco and yarrow.

Caution: Ginseng should not be used if you have high blood pressure, hypoglycemia or a heart disorder. Licorice should not be used if you have high blood pressure, liver or kidney disorders or are pregnant. Sage should not be used if you have a seizure disorder.

Simple Tips For A Super Golf Swing

Image source: http://freegolflessonsonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Golf-Swing-2.jpg Even the guys who play golf for a living and get ...