Jumat, 13 April 2018

How To Write A Donation Thank You Note

How To Write A Donation Thank You Note

Image source: http://emtresume.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/how-to-write-a-thank-you-letter-for-a-donation_9.png

Many times in life, we know we need to thank people for helping out, but can't find the right things to say. Here are some tips on how to say thanks along with a sample fundraising thank you letter you can copy.

The message should come from your heart, so please take a little extra time and personalize it with your own words. The key points to remember are:

The thank you note should be about them, not you. You are thanking them for their support, not boasting about how much money you helped raise.

Tell the person the good things that their donation helped to produce. Be specific rather than general. For example, if they donated $100 to an AIDS fundraiser, you could say that their donation helped a deserving person get a much needed blood transfusion.

Thank them in the same words or tone as if you were speaking face to face. For example, 'Joe, I just wanted to say thanks for helping out. Your contribution means a lot to me and it really helped a great cause.'

Offer to reciprocate in kind. Chances are that they might have a favorite cause that could use a boost. It doesn't matter if you don't have money to spare because your offer can be couched in terms of being a willing volunteer whenever the need arises.

Thank them again at the very end of your thank you note!

Sample Thank You Letter


Dear _______, (you can also skip the 'Dear' to make it more personal)

I really appreciate your pitching in on the (insert specifics) fundraiser. You really did a wonderful thing.

Your contribution meant that (insert positive direct effect proportional to their donation - should be multiple sentences).

Imagine the look on their (help them visualize a sample recipient and the effect of their donation) face when they got the good news. Talk about (insert phrase such as: a smile that lit up the room or making a huge difference in someone's life)!

If you ever need me to help with a charitable cause of your own, please let me return the favor. As you know, I'm pretty good at (insert skill that they know about or will make them smile. Example: working the phones, doing whatever it takes, organizing groups, etc.).

Again, thanks so much for all you've done for (insert your cause here)!



Typed Name

Thank You Note Summary
Your thank you note should be highly personal in tone. It should sound conversational and heartfelt, so read it aloud and cut out any parts that seem stiff or contrived.

The purpose of your note is to make the donor feel good about what they've done, so give specific details that evoke strong emotions and create a vivid picture in their mind. Again, the thank you should be about them, not about you.

Your fundraising thank you letter should go out within a week of receiving their donation, preferably sooner. Keep a form letter version of it on your computer and whip up a personalized note of thanks as soon as possible.

Remember, a well-written thank you note is not only good manners, it's good fundraising!

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