Senin, 02 April 2018

How to Deliver the Best Eulogy - Five Easy Steps

How to Deliver the Best Eulogy - Five Easy Steps

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Experts in phobias say that, for many of us, the fear of public speaking is worse than the fear of death. This is because most of us need acceptance from others and fear judgment to some extent. Although the event that necessitates a eulogy is the worst emotional experience, delivery of the funeral speech need not be. The eulogy audience is known for their support and understanding, in fact that is why they are in attendance at the funeral or memorial service. Knowing this, people still feel nervous. Follow the five steps below and your nervousness should subside, your eulogy speech should flow smoothly, and you will deliver a eulogy that honors your deceased loved one.
1. Preparation:
a. Know your audience; funeral audiences are very receptive, empathetic, and understanding. Relax; they are on your side, setting judgment aside for the more supportive feeling of compassion.
b. Repeatedly rehearse and practice; know it and when you are ready, deliver it to someone close to you.
c. Understand the purpose; the eulogy is intended to express meaningful, touching, heart-felt feelings and experiences in relation to the deceased loved one.
d. Dress appropriately in comfortable, well fitting, and conservative clothing.
e. Bring water to the podium and sip it before starting and during the speech. Clear your throat and breathe deeply to relax. This should help calm nervousness.
f. Remember no-one knows about your loved one like you; you are the expert.
2. Writing:
a. Have a logical order in the speech; an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. The introduction should state what you intend to say, the body should say it, and the conclusion should review what has been said in the body.
b. Write your speech or should this process be overwhelming contact
c. Use stories in your eulogy; this keeps the audiences attention and helps them remember and discuss your loved one long after the memorial. Use only appropriate humor.
3. Visual aids:
a. A photograph, power point presentation or handouts enhance the speech.
4. Delivery:
a. Avoid reading, speak clearly and project your voice using tone and pitch variation. Adjust speed and sentence length to match the content.
b. Use eye contact to connect with members of the audience.
c. Assume a confident manner (even if you dont feel it). If a cry surfaces the audience will understand; take a moment to compose yourself and then continue.
d. Thank the audience.
5. Be yourself; take your time and do your best.

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