Selasa, 19 Juni 2018

Simple Tips For A Super Golf Swing

Simple Tips For A Super Golf Swing

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Even the guys who play golf for a living and get the best golf instruction in the world still struggle to improve their golf; and they practice each and every day! Many golfers play golf just to hack around and have some fun; more avid players are always looking for ways to improve their golf swing and their overall game. Most golfers don't know that eighty percent of the world's golfers have a handicap of 18 or more.

A common mental error golfers make when driving the ball is to hit it as hard as possible. Visualize where you would like the ball to land, as you swing. Overall, you generally want to play golf with confidence.

Trust your golf club to do the job it was intended to do. Standing over the ball for too long a time and wondering whether you're going to swing the club correctly can easily result in a skewed shot, or completely missing the ball. Make sure to use the proper technique.

Putts and short chips are ideally played without much movement of the body, but most other golf shots are played using variants of the full golf swing. When you swing if you have problems with your left knee buckling, imagine you're holding a soccer ball between your knees.

The backswing is a rotation to the right, consisting of a shifting of the player's body weight to the right side, a turning of the pelvis and shoulders, lifting of the arms and flexing of the elbows and wrists.

Swing slowly and steadily using a nice rhythm. Pick out a spot on the course, preferably the green of the fairway, and concentrate on hitting the ball to that spot. Use the muscles in your legs and trunk when you swing.

At the end of a swing, the weight has shifted almost entirely to the left foot, the body is fully turned to the left and the hands are above the left shoulder with the club hanging down over the players' back.

It's difficult for a golfer to practice hitting shots longer than short pitch shots unless one pays to play golf or pays to practice at a driving range or indoor golf training facility.

Conditioning your golf muscles will reward you with straighter swings. Hold a medicine ball and turn back and forth; it must be rotational to improve your driving distance. Turn to golf exercise and techniques if you want strength and power.

Most of all don't waste your money on a golf swing aid you don't need or will never use. Golf aids are often for sale at your pro shop or local golf shop. Be careful about the claims on TV commercials and magazine ads; seek expert advice before you buy because they may not live up to their claims.

There are a wide range of golf swing aids on the market today to help the beginning and advanced golfer. Whether you're a seasoned golfer or just starting out, pick just one golf swing aid and go to work on your swing. Keep in mind that with some golf swing aids, you may still need advice or help from an expert.

Golf swing aids come in all shapes and sizes including apparel type accessories to correct alignment or a golf club add-on accessory to monitor your swing. If you're looking for an aid to improve your stance they're not hard to find. Before buying any golf swing aid, check with an expert to get an idea of what problem you need to work on first; backlift of golf swing, momentum of downward thrust or stance for example.

Golf magazines often review the newest golf swing aids and are reviewed by golfers, making it easy to choose the right one for you. You can find golf swing aids that will help you with your wrist and arm position.

Take as many private lessons as you can afford with a good golf pro. Try to concentrate on one golf swing weakness at a time. Golfers can never get enough golf tips.

Silicone Wristbands for Awareness

Silicone Wristbands for Awareness

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Almost everyone is familiar with silicone wristbands and rubber bracelets that come in different colors and artworks to spread awareness about specific diseases or important social causes. Many people now know that a yellow wristband is supporting the troops and pink color wristbands for breast cancer.

Silicone made rubber bracelets are today ubiquitously used for spreading awareness and/or raising funds by many social movements and charity organizations. You can also buy custom-made wristbands with the organizations name, logo and message engraved in the bracelets. The advantage is when people wear these silicone bracelets with eye-catchy printed messages it will further create awareness for the cause.

These custom bracelets spread awareness about cancer, domestic violence, child abuse, AIDS, gender bias, tobacco use, alcoholism and many other social and health issues. There are branded wristbands sold during charity events and they obviously cost more and the extra amount you pay is considered your donation to a worthy cause. Glow-in-the-dark bands are the most sought-after and latest innovation in bracelets

Customized bracelets are effectively used not only to spread awareness about a cause but also to generate a sense of belonging and a spirit of unity amongst the people.

The Love Our Children Awareness bracelet is an elegant looking sterling silver half-inch cuff bracelet featuring the image of interlocking triangles representing - Love, Respect and Protection.

Breast cancer affects a large number of women every year and it is a major health concern that all women face regardless of age. One of the biggest weapons against breast cancer is awareness and this can be achieved through wristbands with a message.

Drug-Free Week is a time allotted every year to draw public attention to the harmful effects of drugs. The awareness is most effectively created through the use of appropriate bracelets.

Then, you have the autism bracelet which is a silicone wristband that either has a puzzle piece charm, awareness ribbon or some other image to convey autism. The puzzle piece is the universal symbol of autism awareness.

The Red Thread Movement was started by two Abilene Christian University students to raise funds to end human trafficking in Nepal and also to spread awareness about the sexual exploitation of women and children. This bracelet is a simple symbol of the fight against human trafficking and the relief offered to those rescued.

AIDS, or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, is the disease that strikes and weakens the immune system of an individual. It is estimated that 33.3 million people worldwide have transmitted HIV and are living with either HIV or full-blown AIDS. December is the AIDS awareness month and red is the color of bracelet worn for that cause.

The colors usually used for creating an awareness of different causes are:

Black - Mourning
Brown - Domestic Violence
Cool Gray - Diabetes
Green - Health, Ecology, Leukemia, Organ Donation
Light Blue - Prostate Cancer
Navy Blue - Child Abuse/ Colon Cancer
Orange - Hunger, Racial Tolerance
Pink - Breast Cancer
Red - Aids, Blood Donation, DUI Awareness, Substance Abuse
Reflex Blue - Drunken driving awareness
Violet - Sexual Abuse, Children with Diabetes
White - Right to Life, Free Speech, Alzheimer's Syndrome
Yellow - General Cancer

Due to its immense popularity, people worldwide are taking recourse to wearing/ selling rubber bracelets to spread awareness of a cause that they believe in and awareness bracelets have thus become a unisex fashion accessory and a lot more appealing than even many other forms of jewelry.

Whatever cause you want to spread awareness about, you can visit the nearby departmental stores or go to the website and purchase the type of bracelet which suits for the cause.

Senin, 18 Juni 2018

Side Effects Of Oxandrolone Abuse

Side Effects Of Oxandrolone Abuse

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The debate of whether anabolic steroids should be allowed in professional sports or not has continued for many decades and there is still no consensus on it. The fact that steroids provide an unfair advantage to sportsmen using them and may lead to side effects (mild or severe, reversible or irreversible) means that they are drugs that are best avoided or used only for medical and legal purposes. In this piece of information, we will be reading about the side effects of Oxandrolone abuse.

Oxandrolone, which is commonly known as Anavar, is a drug routinely prescribed by medical practitioners for the treatment of patients suffering from alcoholic hepatitis, anemia, AIDS, muscle wasting, and Turner syndrome. Since use of this drug has been associated with loss of body fat and weight, some sportsmen have started using it as a pre-contest drug for losing weight and gain a lean appearance. However, such use is never recommended as steroids are dangerous drugs that can lead to side effects.

It is also worthwhile to note that abuse of any drug (and Anavar is no exception) is bad for health and therefore it is highly recommended that Oxandrolone should only be used after a medical practitioner has recommended its use after evaluating all medical reports. Once prescribed, it should be purchased from a legal medical store and should be used as per medical advice. Under no circumstances, Anavar should be over-dosed or used indiscriminately. Abuse of this drug can lead to side effects such as bloating, testicular atrophy, diarrhea, and mood swings. The list of Oxandrolone abuse and side effects may even include depression, libido changes, vomiting, nausea, acne, liver failure, liver cysts, menstrual irregularities, and liver tumors. Moreover, Anavar is one of those drugs that are best avoided by children and pregnant or breastfeeding women and those suffering from health issues such as liver problems, disease of the arteries of the heart, heart failure, low HDL cholesterol, enlarged prostate, kidney disease, neoplasm of liver, or visible water retention.

To avoid these and many more side effects of Anavar abuse, one should always use this drug after a medical recommendation. Furthermore, no two doses of Anavar should be taken together or at short intervals even if one of the doses was missed unknowingly. In addition to that, use of Anavar should be stopped and medical advice should be sought on an immediate basis if symptoms of Oxandrolone abuse like persistent stomach pain, dark urine, yellow eyes, or yellow skin are noticed as they may indicate liver problems. It is always important to note that success does not come easy but it should always be pursued with dedicated efforts and using illegal drugs can do more harm than good and therefore these drugs should be best avoided. Moreover, there is no point in playing with your own health and well-being when intense workouts, right set of exercises, and nutritious diet could have helped you reap results, even better than those achieved by steroid use. In short, it is best to avoid side effects of Anavar abuse by saying no to steroid abuse (Oxandrolone abuse).

Shri Ram Shiksha Mandir An English Medium School InJindpur

Shri Ram Shiksha

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Jindpur on the periphery of Delhi, isnt just famous for the Splash water park, its also famous for a number of schools. Prominent out of them being Shri Ram Shiksha Mandir School.The name Shiksha Mandir when translated literally, means the Temple of education and learning. Located in Jindpur, Shri Ram Shiksha Mandir is established with a vision of providing its students with quality education. The school received a warm welcome from the locals when it was first built. The locals hadnt seen an English medium school for years in the vicinity and were already sending their children to distant schools.

Lots of parents felt that if their children learnt English they would easily get good jobs and earn more than them. A number of parents approached the school, Shri Ram Shiksha Mandir and were glad to find out that the school was affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). The parents were a little apprehensive about the school being a co-educational one but felt it would be important in the long run when their children worked in secular environments. Shri Ram Shiksha Mandir School they were told would provide the basic educational facilities to the students right from the Play Group to Class X. The school didnt only focus on academics but also ensured that the students were given a healthy blend of extra and co- curricular activities in their curriculum.

It is with this aim in mind of moulding the children into mature and responsible citizens that the School encourages the students to take part in various co-curricular activities held in school such as music, dance, arts and sports. The school provided children with facilities such as spacious ventilated class rooms with the latest teaching aids, a rich library consisting of a number of expensive books, state-of-the-art computer labs and well equipped science labs. The school had a vast play ground and under the supervision of a trained physical education teacher, had a basketball, cricket, hockey and football team that participated in intra and inter level tournaments. Shri Ram Shiksha Mandir at Jindpur-provided children with the highest possible levels of excellence in all aspects of education including academic, cultural sports and also trained students to appear in various professional colleges through competitive exams.

Onlineschooladmissions is a portal that caters to parents and helps makes school admissions a delightful experience. Incase you are on the look- out for Shri Ram Shiksha Mandir School or English Medium Schools or even Play Schools In Jindpur and dont know where to begin, relax! It does everything for you right from filling up your form, submitting them online and scheduling a date for your childs interview.OSA also posts Blogs on the Internet on topics related to education and parenting and understands a childs world perfectly.

The writer of this article is a school advisor in OnlineSchoolAdmissions and provides free of cost consultancy to parents and schools for fast and easy online school admissions. Parents can look for schools directory list on the site from where they can search for nursery or play school in India in which he thinks he can admit his child in Shri Ram Shiksha Mandir School or English Medium Schools in Jindpur. or even Play Schools In Jindpur. They can also search for the top 10 schools as per their choice and can fill school admission forms online.

Minggu, 17 Juni 2018

Should you use PrEP (HIV prevention)

Should you use PrEP (HIV prevention)

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What is PrEP?

PrEP stands for Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis and is a way to help prevent HIV in people who are at substantial risk of contracting it by taking medication on a daily basis. The pill, which is used to prevent infection, is called truvada and contains a combination of two medicines, emtricitabine and tenofovir, often used to treat HIV in combination with other treatments.

For people who may have been exposed to the virus through intravenous drug use or unprotected sexual encounters, the medicines can help to prevent the virus from establishing a long term infection and eventually turning into AIDS - no longer a death sentence but nevertheless, a deeply unpleasant illness.

People with an increased risk of infection can reduce their chances of contracting HIV by as much as 92% when taking PrEP if it is taken correctly, but its effectiveness falls off sharply if the drug is not taken consistently.

Should you be using PrEP?

There are two main groups of people for whom PrEP is recommended; those whose sexual practices put them at risk and those who've had contact with intravenous drugs. It's only a course of treatment that's effective for those who have tested negative for HIV - for those who are HIV positive other courses of action are recommended, so it's important to be tested before you start on the treatment plan.

For people who are in a relationship with a partner who has a diagnosis, PrEP can reduce their risk of catching it, while those in a non-monogamous relationship with a man who identifies as gay or bisexual and who has taken part in anal sex without a condom or caught an STD in the past six months are also considered by the CDC to be at substantial risk.

In addition, people in a non-monogamous relationship with someone heterosexual who regularly does not use condoms with partners who are also at risk of infection, (ie, bisexual men or partners who inject drugs) and whose HIV status is unknown may be considered for the treatment.

Also considered to be at a substantial risk are people who have injected illicit drugs, been in treatment for drug use or shared needles and other injection equipment in the previous six months.

Will it stop me becoming infected with HIV?

It's only a treatment that's really useful for people with a consistent, ongoing risk of becoming infected with HIV. For one-off events which cause high risk of HIV exposure, other treatments are more effective.

Condoms are still important

HIV is unfortunately much more prevalent in the gay community than in the straight community for a number of reasons, and for that reason if you're engaging in anal sex with a non-monogamous partner whose HIV status you don't know, it's still important to use a condom.

While PrEP is a very effective way to decrease your chance of becoming infected it's not infallible and correctly using a condom remains the best way to avoid infection.

Sabtu, 16 Juni 2018

Short-term and Long-term Effects of Opiate Addiction

Short-term and Long-term Effects of Opiate Addiction

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Opiates are often referred to as narcotics and have been used medically to relieve pain for centuries. In the early 19th century, pure morphine extract was suitable for solution, and with the advent of the hypodermic needle in the mid-19th century, injection of morphine became a common method of pain relief. In 1898, heroin was introduced into the medical community as a remedy for addiction to morphine. However, it was soon revealed that heroin was even more likely to produce addiction than morphine. While opiates began their start in the medical community, they have quickly become one of the most commonly abused drug groups. Today, only codeine and morphine are still used in the clinical setting for pain management. The opiates drug group includes opium, morphine, codeine and heroin, among other synthetic opiates such as Demerol.

Short-term and Long-term Effects of Opiates

Opiates can cause serious health complications, such as fatal overdose, spontaneous abortion, and infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS and hepatitis, particularly in users who inject opiates.

Opiates have short-term effects that appear quite soon after a dose and last a few hours. After injection of opiates, the user typically reports feeling a rush of euphoria, an increase in body temperature, dry mouth, and a heavy feeling in their limbs. The user then spends the next few hours alternating from a wakeful to a drowsy state until the drug wears off.

Regular use of opiates leads to a buildup of a user's tolerance. This means that the user must increase their subsequent dose of opiates to achieve the same effect as before. As the user increases their dose over time, they develop physical dependency and addiction. Their body has acclimated to the drug use, and has grown to depend on the presence of drugs in order to function properly. If the user stops the drug flow, uncomfortable and even dangerous withdrawal symptoms may occur. Death from opiates usually occurs when a user who has been off opiates for some time resumes taking the same amount of drug that they are used to. Because the body's tolerance has decreased during this time off period, the resulting effect is a drug overdose.

Opiates also have long-term effects that appear after repeated use over a long period of time. Longtime users ignore their health, as their thoughts are consumed with the drug. This self neglect can take the form of not eating and ignoring personal hygiene, which makes the user more susceptible to disease. Longtime users may develop collapsed veins, infections in their heart and valves, and liver disease. Because opiates depress respiration, pulmonary complications, such as pneumonia, may occur in longtime users due to respiratory depression and the poor health of the drug user.

Opiate Withdrawal

Opiate withdrawal can be incredibly painful, and in some case very dangerous. Withdrawal symptoms may occur as soon as a few hours after the last dose in users who have been regularly abusing opiates. Withdrawal symptoms include intense cravings for opiates, restlessness, body pain, insomnia, diarrhea, vomiting, and cold flashes among other symptoms. In longtime, heavy users who are in poor health, withdrawal can occasionally be fatal. Withdrawal symptoms typically subside within a week.

Sex Education For Kids

Sex Education For Kids

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With society advancing, children are becoming sexually active at earlier ages. What kids should know about sex starts with the parents. There are many parents who are afraid of that famous "birds and the bees" talk. Sex is not something that should be taken lightly.

There are lots of consequences if your child doesn't know the proper things about sex. Whether raise a nice Christian household, kids are going to have sex in today's world. Some things to what kids should know about sex are:

1. Condom use- There is different ways to approach this topic. By introducing the condom to your child, they will know what they are and how to use them properly. For children practicing sex, if the condom is too hard to put on correctly, they will not use one at all. This will put your kid in very bad danger.

2. Diseases- Teach your kid all about the different diseases that come from sex. Herpes, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, and the worst of all AIDS are just a few things to what your child can catch if they are not practicing safe sex with their partner. As children get older, they become smarter on the ways of safe sex, but it is challenging to keep an eye on your children at all times.

3. Pregnancies- This is a big thing amongst teenagers who do not think it a good idea to practice safe sex. Pregnancies are a steady rise with children just because many parents would rather have the school teach their children of sex only to have the child skip the class. With the increase of hormones and testosterones amongst teenagers, it is no wonder why the temptation of sex arises. Keeping the children safe from pregnancies is the best we could do as parents for our children.

For parents, it is hard when you have to talk to your kids about sex. There are many things kids should know about sex to help them protect themselves from the dangers. As parents it is your duty to protect your children in all forms of harm. When you teach your child of the proper uses of sex and when the best time to have it, then your children will respect your decisions. Be a part of your children's lives and you will know when the right time to sit down with them and give them the talk that they have needed for a while. Keep your children safe.

Jumat, 15 Juni 2018

Seven First Aid Steps to Take After a Traumatic Event

Seven First Aid Steps to Take After a Traumatic Event

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Mike sat in his car, stunned. There had been no horns honking warning him that the white pickup was going to run a red light as he pulled into the intersection. As he slowly looked around he noticed how the passenger door had folded into the other seat. Glass was scattered everywhere. His cell phone had popped out of the cup holder and lay on the back seat.

Feeling a wave of panic rise in him, he knew he couldnt just sit there and wait for something else horrible to happen. At least his door might be working, he thought with relief. Ignoring the searing pain that shot down his left shoulder, he got out of the car and walked around the car inspecting the damage. In the distance he watched as a woman approached. She seemed to be waving frantically, gesturing for him to get off the road. The traffic had slowed but not that much as the rubber-neckers took a good look at the scene. He paid her no mind.

Then the shaking started, first in his arms then throughout his entire body. He thought he was going crazy and used all his will power to make the shakes stop. Sweat broke out and soaked his shirt. Mike knew he would feel very embarrassed if the woman saw him so out of control.

Common Reactions Following a Traumatic Event

Like Mike, maybe you too have experienced an accident or other form of trauma, which left you feeling out of control. Accidents, assaults, injuries and abuse can cause your body to act in unfamiliar and frightening ways if you dont know what to expect.

The following is a list of common symptoms that we can experience shortly after a traumatic event.

1. Your body may shake uncontrollably. It is your bodys way to get rid of the shock.
2. You may feel very cold one minute than hot the next or even numb. It is another way that the body dispels the shock.
3. You may have an overwhelming urge to flee. It is your bodys way of attempting to defend itself from additional harm.
4. You may not appreciate how severely you are injured. The body wants to protect you from the emotional shock of what just happened.
5. You may not be able to think clearly. The body is in survival mode and all it wants to do is to flee, fight or freeze. Logically analyzing the situation may appear to the body as the best way to protect itself.
6. You may feel overwhelmed by feelings of sadness, fear, and guilt. As you come out of the shock of what happened, emotions arise.

First Aid Steps for Trauma

Knowing how the body reacts to trauma and how to best support yourself, or to ask for help from others, can eliminate or diminish many severe trauma related symptoms that can arise months or years following a traumatic event.

1. Call for medical first aid. If you suspect you sustained any physical injuries, call for help.

2. Ask someone to stay with you. Sometimes the most painful part of trauma is to feel isolated and unsupported.

3. Keep still and warm and, if possible, lie down.

4. Remind yourself that it is ok to feel numb or suddenly cold then hot.

4. Dont try to stop the shaking even if it becomes very strong. Just let it happen and dont worry that you are doing something wrong. If others around you be-come concerned tell them that this is helping you to get rid of the shock.

5. Take time off from work and home responsibilities. It can take longer than you think for the body and emotions to recover from a traumatic event. Following the release of the initial shock, there may still be times when you will feel extremes in temperature or more shaking. In addition, different emotions such as anger and grief may arise. By giving yourself the time and space to let these sensations and emotions move through you shortly after the accident or injury, you can significantly speed the healing process. This is the time to be gentle with yourself.

6. Ask for help with household chores or childcare. Trauma overwhelms the nervous system and you need to rest after a shock. Having a caring presence, who sees to it that your basic needs are met during this initial recovery time, can help you from feeling overwhelmed.

7. Make an appointment with a therapist who understands how the trauma impacts the body.

Seek Out a Qualified Therapist

While attending to your medical needs such as physical therapy, surgery, and other medical treatments can greatly improve your physical health, you may also need support to ward off the effects of the trauma that may not show up until months or years later. Without additional psychological support, it is not uncommon for people to become anxious, depressed, exhausted, and hyper-sensitive to sounds, sights and smells. Feeling isolated, trapped in nightmares that repeat again and again, and having fears about going near the scene of the traumatic event can make your life seem pretty bleak.

I offer a free 30-minute consultation during which we can check to see if I am the right therapist for you.

One Womans Story

Linda, not her real name, came to me six months after she was rear-ended. She could not consider driving herself anywhere and even being a passenger made her anxious. For six months she relied on her husband to take her places. While recovering from the back and shoulder surgeries was challenging, it was the loss of her independence by not being able to drive that was the most distressing part of her recovery.

In therapy, Linda and I worked to ease the residual effects of the accidents.We first explored how she felt in her body when she was relaxed. By looking at a beautiful photograph in the office, she could experience her shoulders dropping and the deepening of her breath. Then we experimented with noticing how her body could move between feeling relaxed then anxious and back to feeling relaxed. This set the groundwork for later sessions in which she recalled what happened in the car accident.

Trauma, by definition, is what happens in the body when we dont get to complete a fight or flight response. By working slowly and with trust that her body knew how to move between feeling anxious and relaxed, Linda was able to face each scary part of the accident and surgeries. At each step she and I explored where the energy of the fight or flight response had gotten stuck in her body. For example, one thing that she didnt have time to do at the time of the accident was to apply the brake. In session, she noticed how her leg and foot, all on their own and without her thinking that she should have applied the brake, went through the movement of pressing down on the brake. That movement released the tension that she had felt in her legs since the accident. By the fourth session, Linda happily announced that she was driving again.

But Wait.

I have already seen the best neurologist for my back injury that happened a month ago after the car accident. My back is starting to feel better. Why should I see a counselor?

After a traumatic event, it can take months or years for the more symptoms like severe anxiety and depression to show up. Our bodies find ways to hold things together for awhile, then something happens like seeing a car that resembles the one that hit us. This is enough to send the body into overwhelm and we start having nightmares about the accident or become depressed without motivation to care for our family. By working with a therapist shortly after the traumatic event, you can greatly diminish or avoid these severe symptoms that could show up later.

All I want to do is to stay home after I was raped. I cant seem to get out to do anything.

Its not uncommon to want to isolate after being attacked. The world can seem like a very scary place and you dont know whom to trust. Therapy can help you to feel less depressed and anxious in a way that doesnt cause you to feel more overwhelmed. By working slowly and gently, we can give your body and opportunity to fight off or escape from your attacker. Even though we cant go back in time to when you were raped, the body restores itself when we give it another chance to defend itself. When your body gets it feels itself as capable of fighting or fleeing- the depression and anxiety will lift.

Next Step?

If you are dealing with a recent trauma, find support either through friends and family or a professional who understands how the body is impacted by trauma. Talk therapy alone rarely is effective. Know that your body knows exactly how to heal and that you do not have to just cope with trauma symptoms. Recovery is possible!

Copyright Maggie Kerrigan 2008

Kamis, 14 Juni 2018

Seven Chakra Bracelet

Seven Chakra Bracelet

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Article on Seven (7) Chakra Bracelet

What It Means and What It Does

Article Written By: Linda Foltyn

This bracelet will help balance and align your chakra's. Chakra's are energy centers located in the aura level of your body that correspond to different emotions, and parts of the body:

For the crown chakra (connects with spirit) located at the top of your head I use amethyst gemstone (purple) which introduces one's guides and angels, helps in insomnia and eases stress.

For the third-eye chakra (seeing beyond the physical realities and understanding of non-physical truth) located between the eyes I use mother-of-pearl (white) which soothes and reduces stress and worry; increases knowledge that everything is okay.

For the throat chakra (center of communication and expression, where anger is stored and finally let go) located at the base of the throat I use blue lace agate gemstone (blue) which makes self-expression easier and aids in speaking out.

The heart chakra (directs ones ability to love oneself and others, and to give and to receive) located in the heart area, I use green aventurine gemstone (green) which opens the heart to others and increases trust in life.

The solar-plexus chakra (receiver, distributor, and processor of energy and perceptual feeling) located just below the ribs, I use citrine gemstone (yellow) which aids urinary, kidney, and digestive diseases, clears, expands and aligns aura bodies.

The belly chakra (basic needs are sexuality, self-esteem as personal power) located in the navel area, I use carnelian gemstone (orange) which stimulates and balance's a women's reproductive system.

The base chakra (holds the basic need for security, safety and survival, body parts: hips, legs, lower back) located in the pelvic area, I use garnet gemstone (red) which repels disharmonious others from your aura energy, and brings sexual healing.

The seven chakra healing bracelet works as a balancer, by taking in the negative energy into the gemstones and replacing it with positive energy that is specific to each gemstone. Once the chakra's are aligned it may cause subtle changes to take place in your life. You may begin a new path of learning for a health problem, or things you may not have understood before regarding a personal problem you may begin to understand. It may get you started on a whole new path of awakening. For me it did all of the above.

Be Well

To purchase Seven (7) Chakra Bead Bracelet, click on picture above, or click here

Selenium Automation Testing Guide For Beginners

Selenium Automation Testing Guide For Beginners

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The product improvement area normally considers robotized testing to spare the bills of manual testing. In this post, experts will discuss Selenium mechanization testing instrument and its focal points. Since the cost of testing is a basic factor for any product advancement venture, organizations have begun offering inclination to open source selenium training in Bangalore test mechanization devices as opposed to putting resources into costly business testing apparatuses. Without authorizing costs, open source mechanization testing instruments offer aggressive highlights. These highlights are utilized by designers for mechanizing the testing of programming applications and online interfaces. Designers can have a whole scope of open source computerization testing apparatuses for a wide range of testing like practical, UAT, Web and execution.
Selenium is a free robotized testing suite and not a solitary apparatus. Each instrument of the Selenium provides food unmistakable testing needs of an organization. The present business patterns have demonstrated that there is a mass development towards robotizabest selenium training institute in Bangalore Redundant manual testing situations has raised a request to get the act of computerizing tion testing. Henceforth a group of these manual situations. Selenium is a standout amongst the most well known Automated Testing suites. Selenium is planned in such an approach to help and energize Automation Testing of practical parts of electronic applications and an extensive variety of programs and stages. Because of its reality in the open source group, it has turned out to be a standout amongst the most acknowledged instruments among the testing experts.

There are a few Benefits of executing Automation Test;
Supports execution of rehashed Test Cases
Aids in testing an expansive Test Matrix
Enables parallel execution
Encourages unattended execution
Improves exactness subsequently diminishing human-created mistakes
Saves time and cash

Significance of Selenium
Selenium Automation Testing is the best choice for present day days computerized testing. It is increasing more noteworthiness and the vast majority of the analyzers and organizations incline toward it for robotizing the electronic application testing for both the GUI and the usefulness. Selenium can likewise be connected as a unit testing device for JavaScript. Is there any approach to choose right Selenium device according to your requirement? Among four instruments of Selenium, there are conditions that assistance you in settling on choice of determination of Selenium device. We will examine the states of each instrument to help you in settling on better choice.

Selenium IDE You can pick Selenium IDE in the event that you need to-
Learn about the Selenium and its ideas identified with mechanized testing.
Create tests with bit or zero information in programming
Create simple test suites and experiments
Test web application just against Firefox
Selenium RC-You can pick the Selenium RC on the off chance that you need to-
Design a test with more expressive dialect
Run your test against programs on unmistakable OS
Deploy the tests all through a few conditions with Selenium Grid
Test applications against another program supporting JS
Test web applications with complex situations of Ajax
Selenium Grid-You can pick Selenium Grid on the off chance that you need to-
Run the contents of your Selenium RC in unmistakable programs and OS at the same time
Run a tremendous test suite to get it finish at the earliest opportunity
WebDriver-You can pick WebDriver in the event that you need to-
Use particular programming dialect to plan your experiment
Execute tests on HTMLUnit
Test AJAX-based functionalities rich applications
Customize test comes about

Selenium streamlines test robotization for web applications
In spite of the fact that written work mechanized tests may appear like a simple errand for designers and specialists, there is as yet the likelihood of winding up with ineffectively executed tests, and the high cost of code support in any deft procedure. Attempting to continually convey changes or highlights in any dexterous advancement undertaking can end up being expensive when tests are included. Transforming one component on a website page that 20 tests depend on will expect one to experience these 20 test schedules and refresh everyone to adjust to this recently presented change. Can this be truly tedious, as well as a genuine de-persuading factor with regards to actualizing robotized tests from the get-go. Be that as it may, imagine a scenario in which we could roll out the improvement in one place just, and have each applicable test routine utilize it. In this article, we will investigate computerized tests in Selenium, and how we can utilize Page Object models to compose viable and reusable test schedules.

Rabu, 13 Juni 2018

Selenium Automation Testing Guide For Beginners

Selenium Automation Testing Guide For Beginners

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The item change territory regularly considers robotized testing to save the bills of manual testing. In this post, specialists will talk about Selenium motorization testing instrument and its central focuses. Since the cost of testing is a fundamental factor for any item progression wander, associations have started offering slant to open source selenium training in Bangalore test automation gadgets rather than placing assets into expensive business testing contraptions. Without approving costs, open source automation testing instruments offer forceful features. These features are used by architects for motorizing the testing of programming applications and online interfaces. Architects can have an entire extent of open source computerization testing contraptions for an extensive variety of testing like handy, UAT, Web and execution.

Selenium is a free robotized testing suite and not a lone mechanical assembly. Each instrument of the Selenium gives nourishment unmistakable testing needs of an association. The present business designs have shown that there is a mass advancement towards robotize best Selenium Courses in Bangalore Redundant manual testing circumstances has raised a demand to get the demonstration of mechanizing tion testing. From now on a gathering of these manual circumstances. Selenium is a champion among the most surely understood Automated Testing suites. Selenium is arranged in such a way to deal with help and empower Automation Testing of commonsense parts of electronic applications and a broad assortment of projects and stages. Due to its world in the open source gathering, it has ended up being a champion among the most recognized instruments among the testing specialists.

There are a couple of Benefits of executing Automation Test;

Supports execution of reiterated Test Cases
Aids in testing an extensive Test Matrix
Enables parallel execution
Encourages unattended execution
Improves precision in this way reducing human-made missteps
Saves time and money

Importance of Selenium:
Selenium Automation Testing is the best decision for introduce day days electronic testing. It is expanding more importance and by far most of the analyzers and associations slant toward it for robotizing the electronic application testing for both the GUI and the handiness. Selenium can in like manner be associated as a unit testing gadget for JavaScript. Is there any way to deal with pick right Selenium gadget as indicated by your necessity? Among four instruments of Selenium, there are conditions that help you in settling on decision of assurance of Selenium gadget. We will inspect the conditions of each instrument to help you in settling on better decision.

Selenium IDE You can pick Selenium IDE if you have to:
Learn about the Selenium and its thoughts related to motorized testing.
Create tests with bit or zero data in programming
Create straightforward test suites and analyses
Test web application just against Firefox

Selenium RC-You can pick the Selenium RC in case you have to:
Design a test with more expressive vernacular
Run your test against programs on unmistakable OS
Deploy the tests all through a couple of conditions with Selenium Grid
Test applications against another program supporting JS
Test web applications with complex circumstances of Ajax

Selenium Grid-You can pick Selenium Grid in case you have to:
Run the substance of your Selenium RC in unmistakable projects and OS in the meantime
Run a colossal test suite to get it complete at the most punctual open door
WebDriver-You can pick WebDriver if you have to-
Use specific programming lingo to design your investigation
Execute tests on HTMLUnit
Test AJAX-based functionalities rich applications
Customize test comes to fruition

Selenium streamlines test robotization for web applications:
Despite the way that composed work motorized tests may seem like a basic errand for fashioners and authorities, there are so far the probability of ending up with insufficiently executed tests, and the high cost of code bolster in any deft method. Endeavoring to consistently pass on changes or features in any apt progression undertaking can wind up being costly when tests are incorporated. Changing one part on a site page that 20 tests rely upon will anticipate that one will encounter these 20 test plans and invigorate everybody to acclimate to this as of late introduced change. Would this be able to be really monotonous, and in addition a bona fide de-influencing factor with respect to completing robotized tests from the get-go. In any case, envision a situation in which we could reveal the change in one place just, and have each pertinent test routine use it. In this article, we will examine electronic tests in Selenium, and how we can use Page Object models to make practical and reusable test plans.

Secrets of Persuasive Presentations

Secrets of Persuasive Presentations

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Have you ever wondered why presentations given by co-workers were better than yours? Did they use more sophisticated visual aids? Have more interesting topics? Or was it the way they presented the information? The secrets to giving a persuasive presentation aren't known only to a select group of people. You can easily improve your presentation style by making a few minor changes.

Choose Your Topic Carefully

If you're able to choose the topic of your next presentation, consider a topic that's important not only to you, but also to those who will be in attendance. Understanding who your audience is and choosing a subject they care about is the first step to creating a memorable and persuasive presentation. When presenting to a group of co-workers or a client, find out if other people will be giving presentations and what their topics will be. This can help you avoid creating a presentation that is closely related to topics already being discussed. Give your presentation a catchy title to entice your audience in advance.

Create a Solid Message

Once you've chosen a topic, research it to find out everything you need to know for the presentation. Determine your overall message and make sure that each subtopic, slide, and bullet point supports this message. A persuasive presentation usually focuses on one topic so the audience is able to fully understand and grasp its meaning. After putting your presentation together, allow others to review it. Make sure they understand the message you're trying to send. Ask for helpful feedback so you can make the appropriate changes before the day of the presentation. You may need to review the presentation several times until it's persuasive and coherent enough to be appreciated by those attending the meeting.

Create Simple Visuals

A persuasive presentation does not rely on fancy visual aids. If you want to be persuasive, keep your slides as simple as possible in order to keep the audience's attention on you. Only you can create a sense of urgency about the topic you're speaking about through your body language, how you present the information and the answers you give to questions the audience may have. While colorful charts and graphs may be fun to design, they can be very distracting to those who should be listening to what you have to say instead of admiring your power point skills.

Involve Your Audience

Involve your audience by asking questions, telling a few jokes and being relaxed while you speak. By involving the audience, you're subconsciously inviting them to embrace what you have to say. Even though your presentation needs to have a clear message, you want to deliver this message in a non-threatening way by telling a story or relating it to an issue your co-workers or your clients are currently facing. Keep the audience interested in your topic by making sure they are as involved as possible in the presentation. Make sure you leave enough time to answer a few questions as this will encourage dialogue between you and the audience as well as between audience members. Giving a persuasive presentation will take practice. Over time, your skills will improve. Watching co-workers give presentations is a good way to learn more about what to do and what not to do. If possible, record your presentation so you can watch it and critique your performance.

Selasa, 12 Juni 2018

Scoliosis Physical Exercises May Very Well Be Only 50 With The Solution

Scoliosis Physical Exercises May Very Well Be Only 50 With The Solution

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Scoliosis workout routines are made to correct or minimize a twisted spine. Opinion continues to be divided within the health care globe as towards the lead to of scoliosis. Some theories say early nutrition or environmental troubles are to blame, other people take into account the result in being straight down to some defective gene.

However, regardless in the cause, there have been many scientific studies to exhibit that people today with scoliosis can profit from physical exercise and things to do for example yoga As well as the Alexander Technique (see under).

Inside the circumstances I have noticed of scoliosis, there's an additional issue - the way you stand, transfer and hold your self. Even in the event you devote 30 mins daily accomplishing your corrective physical exercises, what about the other 95% of your time?

You could possibly undo any with the benefits of your work outs, if you return on your normal daily activities with all the routines that could have contributed for the condition of your spine.

Try out my quick movement experiment more along this web page to determine if it aids launch some of your tension within your rear.

How you stand, sit and proceed will ailment your muscle groups. When you've got finished your scoliosis workout routines it can be crucial to not return to your usual habits and use your muscular tissues within the same way.

Postural correction work outs do not necessarily transform your posture towards the good. The truth is, in quite a few they both make no distinction, or any constrained enhancements disappear as soon as they avoid the work outs.

Whilst it will help to become mindful of the posture, you should not try to sit and stand straight. Looking to stand up straight within the aged navy fashion will load more strain on your own spine.

Muscle Tension And Scoliosis

From the situations of scoliosis, I've seen in my position as a teacher In the Alexander Approach I detect a tightening within a downward spiral in the direction of the floor (see diagram). Following your scoliosis workout routines you may shell out the following hour standing with this configuration of muscle exercise, result - spine to square 1.

The physical exercise beneath could assist you to sense if you've a downward spiral. Just before you start off it truly is vital to recognise that while gravity pulls us straight down there exists an equal and opposite react that is pushing rear (Newton's 3rd regulation of movement).

Whether that you are lying along, seated, standing or walking the surface beneath you is pushing rear in consequence with the speak to you will be generating with it. You don't need to help you gravity by tightening your body and pulling along oneself.

This procedure will help you to enable go of unnecessary holding, the habitual patterns, and can release tension in your spine. It'll also help you to appreciate how to allow go and enable a invert upward spiral from your ground. It is really finest accomplished following your scoliosis exercises.

Spiral Movement And Tension

one. Stand with your toes about hip width apart and be aware from the contact you will be generating with all the ground. Recognize the push coming back up.

2. Let you head start to turn slowly on the left but do not allow the shoulders run nonetheless. Test if that you are moving the head through the right joint, see the appropriate posture here.

3. When your head has reached the stop of its rotation, make it possible for your shoulders to move to your still left. CRUCIAL - usually do not enable by yourself screw decrease in the ground. Keep the believed which the flooring is pushing up and you'll be able to launch upwards also.

School Uniforms Important to presidium Students

School Uniforms Important to presidium Students

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School uniforms have ever remained a highly debatable topic among parents, students and educators. The significance of implementation of dress code in schools has been brought under scanner time and again. There are many convincing pros and cons for school uniforms. The basic premise behind school uniform is that it creates equality amongst students and helps to prevent conflict.
Basically, school uniform serves the purpose of being a disciplinary tool. It accurately reflects schools discipline standard and represents in what school a student goes. No school can function effectively without a disciplined student body and uniform plays a vital role in achieving so. A school may produce excellent result academically but slovenly dressed students leave not so effective impression on others. While, neatly dressed uniformed children undoubtedly suggest that the school is good.

Positive effects of school uniform

Wearing school uniform has many positive effects in a childs life from promoting discipline to inculcating feelings of belongingness; uniforms aids in the development of a child. It further mushrooms the feeling of unity among students in the school.

A school uniform also saves students from putting their fashion tastes before their learning. Also, it takes the pressure off the children to look fashionable along with other students.

Uniform symbolizes equality and serves as a great leveler making every child look equal. Use of uniforms in schools ensures less competition and less distractions. Uniform gives children a common identity and a sense of belongingness.

For safety reasons also uniforms are good. It makes it easier for educators to identify their students who are dressed alike and keeps students safe from outsiders. Identifying potential threat from interlopers becomes easier.

School Uniforms in Indian schools

Schools uniforms are almost universal in India, from primary to higher-secondary level. School boys generally adorn light-colored shirt and dark long trousers and girls wear shirt and skirt. Some schools employ Salwar Kameez for girls.

One of the popular schools Presidium senior secondary school strongly believes in the concept of school uniform and realizes its importance. Thats why they have provided students with comfy uniforms which all students love to wear. In order to add little colour and vivacity to their daily uniform routine, they have kept one day of the week for club uniforms. Presidium senior secondary school has six clubs namely Legends, Supremes, Elites, Leaders, Victors and Maestros ; and each of these club has dedicated uniforms in white , black , yellow , blue and green color. Children thoroughly enjoy and love adorning their club uniforms. It provides them much better attitude at school and makes them look trendy as well.

Senin, 11 Juni 2018

Scarlett Helps De-stigmatize STD Testing in LA

Scarlett Helps De-stigmatize STD Testing in LA

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Scarlett Johansson inadvertently made herself the unofficial STD testing Los Angeles spokesperson when she offered her opinion on how frequently people should be checked for HIV. In an interview, Scarlett spoke of how she considered it 'disgusting' and 'irresponsible' that people neglect to get checked for STDs.

For a short time, the actress and top-earning Hollywood star brought the media spotlight onto the social issue of regular STD testing. Los Angeles resident, Johansson told an interviewer that she gets tested for HIV every six months. Furthermore, she stated how she thinks poorly of people who don't try or care to know about their sexual health, saying that to get a regular STD test "is part of being a decent human".

Getting tested twice a year might seem exceptionally frequent to some people. Could being motivated to get tested so often indicate that the safe sex practices in Hollywood are otherwise lax or inadequate? Knowing the reputation for fast-and-loose living that Hollywood has, Scarlett was quick to point out that she is far from promiscuous, saying "[people] are mistaken for thinking I'm sexually available in some way."

Lifestyles and speculation aside, Johansson has raised the profile and reduced the stigma of STD testing in Los Angeles and beyond. The actress's comments motivated the British press to print statistics from the National AIDS Trust, which stated that there were as many as seven thousand new cases of HIV diagnosed in the UK in 2006. "Diseases will continue to spread unless we stop stigmatizing" said a spokesperson, adding that responsible behavior is the proper use of condoms and getting an STD test whenever you put yourself at risk.

L.A. Charities and Projects

Back on this side of the Atlantic, APLA offers free STD testing in Los Angeles County.
APLA (which stands for Aids Project Los Angeles) is a disease prevention and advocacy service. Their statistics show that there are between 42,400 - 46,600 people living with the knowledge and burden of a positive HIV test in LA.

This alarming figure is taken from the "Program of HIV Epidemiology and STD testing" by Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, an official study conducted two years ago, in 2008. Worryingly, the same study suggests that there is a significant portion of the local population (about 15,000) that does not know that they are carrying the virus.

Both APLA and the UK's National AIDS Trust agree that the issue of undiagnosed carrier is partly because of the shame, reluctance, apathy and stigma surrounding getting an STD test. In Los Angeles, APLA launched the 'What you don't know CAN kill you' in 1991 to try to encourage testing uptake.

American Testing

Looking further back, a 1985 country-wide poll placed 72% of American in favor of obligatory STD testing, which sounds encouraging. However, the same survey also suggested that half of our nation agree with quarantine for HIV carriers. Still more alarming is that 15 percent of Americans consider it a good idea to tattoo people who have the disease.

Despite the controversies and hearsay, when high-profile celebrities like Scarlett Johansson speak out on the issue, it helps the cause of activists and charities that are battling to raise awareness and stem the spread of HIV and other diseases.

Minggu, 10 Juni 2018

Saved from the Grave How To Fix a Condemned House

Saved from the Grave How To Fix a Condemned House

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Saved from the Grave: How To Fix a Condemned House

House boarded off and posted with a warning sign?


Afraid to say, any dwelling with this posting is marked for condemnation. Public authorities have found the building in violation of local housing codes. Officials will send a letter to the owner (and tenants, if applicable) explaining the situation and requesting immediate evacuation of the dwelling.

Not all is lost! There is often only a specific problem in the condemned house that you need to fix. However, all occupants must still vacate the premise until you deal with the issue.

Read on to learn how to deal with this issue.

Common Causes of a Condemned House

Every local jurisdiction has its own housing code. Below are the common requirements a building must provide to offer safe housing.

Plumbing and Hot Water
Heat and/or Air Conditioning
Electricity and Lighting
Free from Pest Infestation

In some circumstances, a condemned house marks the end of the road. Public authorities can seize properties through eminent domain, with reasonable compensation. This occurs when officials need the land for a developing project that will benefit the public good.

In others, the buildings structural integrity may be hazardous and in need of removal. Owners of the dwelling will have to organize and fund the costs for demolition.

When authorities find a building unfit to live, they will issue a demand to vacate the building. Then, they will seal the doors and windows to deny access. A warning sign will state that no trespassing is permissible on the property.

How to Save a Condemned House

Most houses fail to pass housing inspection only in a certain area. When this is the case, seek out local repairmen to fix it, like plumbers, exterminators, electricians, etc.

If the violations seem manageable, you can do the repairs yourself. Check out our articles on household pest removal and hacks for repair and remodeling.

Public authorities will likely have discontinued all utilities. Contact the local providers to have the gas, electricity, and water re-connected before the next inspection. The building must be in full operation and presentable for an inspector to pass it suitable for living.

If this sounds like too much of a hassle, consider selling the condemned building. A firm like Mark King Properties can offer fair compensation to quickly take the house off your hands. Selling the house is stress-free solution that leaves both parties happy.

To the Grave No More!

If you have a condemned building, its best to take action immediately.

Every day a building remains vacant is a further loss in investment. You can fund and/or manage the repairs yourself or seek outside aid to take the problem off your hands. Either way, consult legal advice to ensure proper adherence to the law and housing code in your local jurisdiction

Comment below if you have more questions about how to fix a condemned house. If you have dealt with this problem before, feel free to share your experience and guide others.

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Riya Sen A Rising Star From Bengal

Riya Sen A Rising Star From Bengal

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Riya Sen often regarded as a sex symbol is one of the most famous and rising star from the land of Bengal. It was in history that Sharmila Tagore, Suchitra Sen; Mausmi Chaterji etc made their entry in the Bollywood industry and gained fame & recognition and now its turn of contemporary Bollywood actress Riya Sen, who is the next rising star of Bengal in this Bollywood industry.

Riya comes from a celebrity family, as her grandmother Suchitra Sen is one of the greatest Bengali actresses of Bengali films. Her mother Moon Moon Sen was also an actress and her father is a member of a Tropura Royal family. Her paternal grandmother Ila Devi, was the princess of Cooch Behar, whose younger sister Gayatri Devi is the Maharani of Jaipur. Before moving to Mumbai, she lived with her parents and sister Raima Sen, who is also an actress, in Kolkata.

Before entering show business, she studied at Loreto House and Rani Birla College, both in Kolkata, but dropped out of both institutions. She also briefly studied at the National Institute of Fashion Technology. Since her Bollywood debut, she has moved from Kolkata to Juhu in Mumbai.

Riya became a popular model when she appeared in numerous music videos for songs by popular singers, including Asha Bhonsle, Falguni Pathak, Jagjit Singh and Sonu Nigam. She was one of many Bollywood stars who appeared in Haath Se Haath Mila an anti-HIV/AIDS music video.

She is also an advertising model. A high point of her modeling career was when she replaced Lisa Ray as the Lakm Girl, but she has since been replaced by Yana Gupta. Her other notable assignments include Colgate, Limca, Vatika, Cadbury Dairy Milk Chocolate, and Margarita King. She has also appeared on the cover of a number of magazines. In 2004, she was featured partially nude in leading Indian photographer Dabboo Ratnani's[8] annual calendar, which is a major happening in the Indian glamor industry. She is the only female face to be featured on the calendar on four consecutive years (2004-2007).

As per her acting career is concerned, Riya Sen first appeared as a child artiste in the film Vishkanya, where she played the role of the young Pooja Bedi. At the age of 15 she was cast in a major role in Bharathiraaja's Tamil film Tajmahal. Her Bollywood film debut was supposed to have been in Love You Hamesha, opposite Akshaye Khanna, but the film was stalled and she ultimately made her debut in N. Chandra's low-budget comedy Style.

It was through style that she started crossing the ladder of success. Even her modeling career also nourished her image in Bollywood industry. It was not her family background that made her to reach top but it was her personal talent that brought this Bengali women in the top notch of the Bollywood actress list.

Sabtu, 09 Juni 2018

Review of Hearing Aids Siemens, Beltone, Phonak and Starkey

Review of Hearing Aids Siemens, Beltone, Phonak and Starkey

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Hearing aids are available in analog or digital version. Analog hearing aids have been on the market for quite some time and are the least expensive type of hearing aids. Today, most hearing aids are digital as these provide better amplification, cleaner sound quality and can be programmed by computer. They are becoming more affordable as their prices have fallen.

There are 4 styles of hearing aids on the market. A hearing professional can help you determine the style that suits you best. The inexpensive behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aid is fitted over the ear and rests behind it. A hearing aid that can sit just inside the ear is the in-the-ear (ITE). The in-the-canal (ITC) hearing aid fits slightly lower into the ear, so it is almost invisible. Lastly, the completely-in-the-ear-canal (CIC) hearing aid is fitted down the ear canal.

This review is focused on the 4 leading manufacturers of hearing aids. Siemens, Beltone, Starkey and Phonak are well known for producing superior quality hearing aids and excellent customer service.

Siemens Hearing Aids

Siemens has been the biggest hearing aid manufacturer in the US for over 125 years. Siemens hearing aids are designed to meet any hearing need and lifestyle. All of them come with a two-year warranty. More channels and features are placed in every Siemens hearing aids as compared to other leading brands. Phoenix and Cielo models are Siemens' most inexpensive line of hearing aids while the Artis e2e model is their top-of-the-line hearing aid with wireless ear-to-ear technology.

Beltone Hearing Aids

Beltone has more than 1300 locations in the United States of America and an exceptional reputation in the hearing aid business. The company has a program called Belcare whereby they provide support for ongoing needs of customers who have purchased a Beltone hearing aid. Beltone hearing ptofessionals are trained to carry out a lifestyle assessment called Personalized Hearing Health Assessment (PHHA) on their customers. This program helps determine which hearing aid is right for individual hearing needs. Beltone hearing aids are available in 4 categories: basic, quality, advantage and premier. The three-channel Edge model is the least expensive. Beltone's mid-range model is the six-channel Mira. Beltone's state-of-the-art hearing aid is the twelve-channel Oria which has many advanced features.

Starkey Hearing Aids

The world's largest hearing aid maker is Starkey Laboratories. They were the first to offer warranty as well as a free trial period. They have many hearing aid models available beginning with the 3-channel Aspect. The mid-level Destiny comes in several models to accommodate your needs. Your Bluetooth-capable phone would work great with the top-of-the-line Eli models with its wireless capability.

Phonak Hearing Aids

Phonak, based in Switzerland, extends its services throughout the globe. You can have your Phonak hearing aid tailored to fit to your hearing needs and lifestyle. The six channel eXtra model is Phonak's basic entry-level hearing aid. The Valeo and Elva models are mid-range hearing aids that have sixteen channels. Savia is the top range model with twenty channels and more features than the rest of their products. Phonak also provides wireless hearing solutions.

Review Of Hearing Aids Siemens, Beltone, Phonak & Starkey

Review Of Hearing Aids Siemens, Beltone, Phonak & Starkey

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Hearing aids are available in analog or digital version. Analog hearing aids have been on the market for quite some time and are the least expensive type of hearing aids. Today, most hearing aids are digital as these provide better amplification, cleaner sound quality and can be programmed by computer. They are becoming more affordable as their prices have fallen.

There are 4 styles of hearing aids on the market. A hearing professional can help you determine the style that suits you best. The inexpensive behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aid is fitted over the ear and rests behind it. A hearing aid that can sit just inside the ear is the in-the-ear (ITE). The in-the-canal (ITC) hearing aid fits slightly lower into the ear, so it is almost invisible. Lastly, the completely-in-the-ear-canal (CIC) hearing aid is fitted down the ear canal.

This review is focused on the 4 leading manufacturers of hearing aids. Siemens, Beltone, Starkey and Phonak are well known for producing superior quality hearing aids and excellent customer service.

Siemens Hearing Aids

Siemens has been the biggest hearing aid manufacturer in the US for over 125 years. Siemens hearing aids are designed to meet any hearing need and lifestyle. All of them come with a two-year warranty. More channels and features are placed in every Siemens hearing aids as compared to other leading brands. Phoenix and Cielo models are Siemens' most inexpensive line of hearing aids while the Artis e2e model is their top-of-the-line hearing aid with wireless ear-to-ear technology.

Beltone Hearing Aids

Beltone has more than 1300 locations in the United States of America and an exceptional reputation in the hearing aid business. The company has a program called Belcare whereby they provide support for ongoing needs of customers who have purchased a Beltone hearing aid. Beltone hearing ptofessionals are trained to carry out a lifestyle assessment called Personalized Hearing Health Assessment (PHHA) on their customers. This program helps determine which hearing aid is right for individual hearing needs. Beltone hearing aids are available in 4 categories: basic, quality, advantage and premier. The three-channel Edge model is the least expensive. Beltone's mid-range model is the six-channel Mira. Beltone's state-of-the-art hearing aid is the twelve-channel Oria which has many advanced features.

Starkey Hearing Aids

The world's largest hearing aid maker is Starkey Laboratories. They were the first to offer warranty as well as a free trial period. They have many hearing aid models available beginning with the 3-channel Aspect. The mid-level Destiny comes in several models to accommodate your needs. Your Bluetooth-capable phone would work great with the top-of-the-line Eli models with its wireless capability.

Phonak Hearing Aids

Phonak, based in Switzerland, extends its services throughout the globe. You can have your Phonak hearing aid tailored to fit to your hearing needs and lifestyle. The six channel eXtra model is Phonak's basic entry-level hearing aid. The Valeo and Elva models are mid-range hearing aids that have sixteen channels. Savia is the top range model with twenty channels and more features than the rest of their products. Phonak also provides wireless hearing solutions.

Jumat, 08 Juni 2018

Review of Cowboys in Paradise

Review of Cowboys in Paradise

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This article first appeared on Good Vibrations Magazine.

If you have been following my blog here, you may recall a previous post where I mentioned looking forward to watching an 83-minute feature film/documentary called Cowboys in Paradise.

This is a controversial work because this is the first film about what is perhaps the most well-known open secret of Bali their Kuta Cowboys. These cowboys are the bronzed beach ambassadors who made the island one of the worlds leading destinations for female sex tourists. The subject is so controversial within Indonesia that the film maker, Amit Virmani, has received hate mail and death threats. Also, when the films trailer went viral on YouTube in April of this year, the Bali Police condemned the film and temporarily arrested 28 beach boys. The men were subsequently released.

Having done due diligence in researching the film, I was already prepared for a fair, if not unbiased, representation of the cowboys. What I did not anticipate was how entertaining it would be, as well as how I learned more than a thing or two from it, and I do not mean just how this invisible industry works. Such humorous moments included cartoon illustrations of different social situations raised by the film one depicting the bravado of Japanese men and how their Japanese women suffer in silence (about why Bali men are popular with Japanese women); and another portraying how French women like to be romanced (on how one cowboy preferred French women). There was genuinely funny dialogue when one travel agent, who regularly arranges for female tourists to visit Bali, reported that the penises of Balis men are not big, but strong, while pointing to the pen he had in his hand, and finally settling on the phrase hard as nail as a descriptor.

The film goes on to describe what cowboys resort to in order to enhance their anatomy essentially filing plastic slivers off a toothbrush and inserting them into the skin of their penis, which they have cut for this purpose, and waiting a few days for it to heal. One described how he also uses horses hair for added sexual stimulation where one might insert a Prince Albert piercing. Then there is the vagina stone, which despairing young women who have been unsuccessful in love are encouraged to rub against their body so as to make their vagina more attractive to a man. The energy of the stone is transferred onto the woman and many were reportedly pleased with the results. This was when I cracked up and howled with laughter.

There were no less than ten different cowboys who were interviewed, some more extensively than others. Topics include how one became a cowboy, the tricks of the trade, their thoughts about love and marriage, as well as how their family members feel about his job. The other side of the story is also covered, namely the female sex tourists who return to Bali time and again. I was struck by how one sex tourist was able to articulate her views in a mature manner in spite of her young age. Her views, however, run contrary to the more conservative Asian values, and I can see how some audience members might fail to understand her perspective and even condemn her laissez faire attitude in particular.

Incredibly, one of the cowboys wives went on record saying that she did not mind what her husband does for a living. As the camera stayed on her face, she flinched, and you cannot help but wonder whether she only accepts the circumstances for lack of better alternatives. The film introduced Bobby, an older man who was a cowboy, now known as The Legend. He was philosophical about life, talking about how he had traveled the world, yet returning to Bali to teach young cowboys how to surf.

A film talking about casual sexual encounters would be hard-pressed not to talk about its perils. Cowboys in Paradise takes a stab in covering how having multiple sexual partners, combined with their occasional unsafe sex practices, raises the very real concern of HIV for the cowboys. As a sexologist, I am disturbed by the sole emphasis upon HIV/AIDS and not other sexual transmitted infections, some of which are incurable. There is no talk of whether the cowboys receive sexual education, go for regular health screenings or have had other forms of STIs. Yet, I suppose if Virmani did delve further, it would make for a longer and less appetizing movie.

If you were to summarize the essence of Cowboys in Paradise, it is as simple as this: Boy meets Girl; Girl meets Boy. They develop a connection and have sex. Except here, the boys have it down to an art. They are sometimes hunted, or, at other times, the hunter, depending on how you look at it. Cowboys in Paradise depicts reality in Bali for a sub-segment of the people there. It is funny, moving, insightful at parts, and definitely entertaining. It would be interesting to watch what Virmani comes up with next. However, I already know that the next time I go to Bali, I will be keeping my eyes peeled for these beach boys.

Religious Dating SuggestionReligious Dating TipsReligious Dating Idea

Religious Dating SuggestionReligious

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Obtaining a great individual is extremely important to anybody searching for a soul-mate partner. Everybody requires tips when dating in order to make the right choices and choices. Youthful age mates who enjoy Christianity needs to adhere to the great virtues and morals instructed on various christian educative sessions. The major reason why many Religious start dating is to appreciate one another company and explore fun activities with brand-new companions. Sometimes folks get the wrong viewpoints of Christianity dating and they end up sensation pressured into doing things that they do not appreciate. With the best understanding of dealing with emotions and insecurities, Christians could have healthy and balanced and significant dating encounters in their lives.

Lots of people have consistently been advised by their parents to always comply with the religion in order to get a great partner to wed. On the planet today alternatives are much, you don't have to keep on searching for the single members of your church community. With the brand-new innovation advancement you can easily meet your desire partner by joining an online christian coffee shop. At a christian dating website you can conveniently join Religious of your age-mate and show them on various life approaches and concepts. If you are quite enthusiastic concerning Christianity life, you will consistently obtain other individuals which have the very same passion on Maple Leaf Christian dating website.

When you acquire an excellent partner companion you have to be really keen in order to do things that both of you enjoy the majority of. The main goal of Religious dating is to enjoy without tempting yourselves into bad things that breaks christian beliefs. There are some many tasks that you could have with your partner when hanging out during the day. You can ask your partner to have supper with you, have a barbecue or go shopping with you during your hang out time. This tasks assists you to spend purposeful time with your partner where you acquire a possibility to know all the character-traits of your partner.

Religious dating is not so various from routine dating when it pertains to standard points such as feeling emotionally and literally brought in to the other sex. The only difference between christian dating and non-christian dating is that christian dating is substantially additional faith based than non-christian dating. Christian dating contains regulations that set by christian religion followers and the majority of them are connected to the scriptural trainings of the bible. Religious dating aids Religious to develop a productive relationship with God by complying with the teachings of the bible.

Feel free to visit my site :: local christian singles (just click the following internet site) When dating take all your time to enjoy with your companion. As long as you set up a good relationship and create your rely on concerning your feelings, your partner is will certainly be most likely to obtain into a deep relationship with you. Many Christians consistently wish to establish a solid relationship prior to taking a relationship to a greater level and if you are an individual of substance, you could effortlessly develop a great partnership with your companion. You can register for net christian dating services at a christian coffee shop and obtain hooked up with a fantastic good friend who can take you to higher degrees in your Christianity life.

Kamis, 07 Juni 2018

Reasons For Using Enhancers

Reasons For Using Enhancers

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Male enhancers, or intimacy enhancers, are aids used during times of intimacy. A frequent question about intimacy enhancers is why use them at all? The obvious answer is that one doesn't have to use them. Intimacy enhancers aren't necessary items. But if the choice to use an intimacy enhancer is made, it's typically for one of three reasons.

One reason to use intimacy enhancers is because using them makes it possible to function. Viagra and the other prescription erectile enhancers were manufactured with men in mind who couldn't function sexually. While there may be a tendency to believe that erectile dysfunction is solely a function of age, this isn't necessarily true. Erectile dysfunction can be caused by any number of factors including circulatory malfunction, injury, certain types of surgery, and even psychological problems. Erectile dysfunction is a quite typical problem, and can affect men in any age group.

Another reason for using intimacy enhancers is to prolong intimacy. There are instances where intimacy is shortened because of some type of dysfunction, medical, psychological, or both. Then there are cases where people just want intimate moments to be extended, just to prolong the experience. In either case, using some form of intimacy enhancer is an understandable decision.

A final reason for using enhancers is basic experimentation. A number of people are curious about what an intimacy enhancer will do to them, or how it will affect their experience. Some people are excited about the prospect of adding something to their intimate times, and use enhancers because it's a stimulating concept.

There are wrong estimations among some people about what intimacy enhancers are, and what they can do. Intimacy enhancers of the typical variety aren't narcotics: they don't disorient a person or change a person's perception of reality. Intimacy enhancers additionally don't turn a person into some form of zombie who's unable to make judgments on their own behalf. Intimacy enhancers aren't a form of mind control. What intimacy enhancers are in a nutshell are stimulants. Intimacy enhancers stimulate arousal functions and enhance the ability to perform.

Most of the nonprescription variety of intimacy enhancers are sold through mail order and are typically ordered on online hubs. There are some herbal blends claiming to improve male intimacy performance that may be able to be found in specialty vitamin stores and the like. Though it's possible a time may come when intimacy enhancers are regularly sold in walk-in stores, the very nature of enhancers makes it unlikely that they'll ever be carried in chain stores on any type of mass scale.

Realpolitik in Corporate Charitable Works

Realpolitik in Corporate Charitable Works

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Projects, Funds and Realpolitik

If you look carefully to the examples of corporate social responsibility, you can see three common principles of charitable initiatives organization.

1. Support of a charity fund or a long-term external (Alfa-Bank has been supporting the "Life Line" Fund for 10 years) or internal (TDK has been encouraging its employees to become donors and to donate blood and bone marrow for 28 years) project.

2. Creation of own fund, which is constantly involved in charitable works (Hitachi). Together Association of Charitable Organizations gives examples of Russian companies that have chosen this approach - they are such business giants as Rusal and Uralsib.

3. One-time campaigns and short-term projects, contents of which depend on the needs of the local or the global community. By analogy with one of the types of policy, let's call this approach Realpolitik - "real politics." This is the strategy used by Nasko insurance company.

In practice, even a company with long-term charity projects or their own fund uses elements of Realpolitik. Even TDK, in addition to constant support of orphanages and donations, has organized three large-scale campaigns supporting victims of disasters.

But as a basis of charitable works, Realpolitik gives special advantages. What advantages - we can see on an example of ICL Services (an IT outsourcing company).

How it works. An example.

ICL Services combines constant programs in the field of social responsibility with one-time projects.

The company constantly supports veterans of labor, helps RT AIDS center to pay utility bills, donates to a social canteen in Kazan, and is regularly involved in a charity project for children "Million in loose change." It is a project of patronage over the Kazan secondary school No.15 - the company equips the school with furniture and equipment, repairs its classrooms, if necessary. One-time campaigns are also organized several times a year. Some examples right off the bat - sending computer equipment to schoolchildren in Beslan (2004), targeted support to an ill child (2011), or a purchase of 200 Christmas gifts to young patients of the neuropsychiatric clinic, who wrote a letter describing their dearest wishes (2015).

The company's employees anonymously give money to charity. The funds are directed to help in solving the most urgent problems. For example, in 2015, 75,000 rubles collected by the employees were transferred to the Mothers of Kazan - an organization, which takes care of orphans, lying in hospitals.

Besides that, ICL Services invests into education - it prepares, develops and supports future IT professionals with the help of scholarships, fellowships, IT courses and an annual IT tournament. When All-Russian Olympiad in Applied Computer Science was held in Kazan, the company provided it with necessary equipment and then donated it to the region's schools. The company has repeatedly supported the "IT in Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgy, Fuel and Energy Complex, Chemical and Retail" Conference - an important event in the field of high technology equipment production in Russia.

There were other charitable initiatives - from the sponsorship of a student sports team to landscaping the area adjacent to the company's offices.

So what are the advantages?

General principle of Realpolitik: the company has the possibility to allocate some resources to charity - monetary funds, valuables and employees time. It distributes these resources at a request of private individuals, philanthropic organizations, children's homes or concerned employees.

This approach is attractive to employees-volunteers.

It is easier to find time for a short, one-time project. But when an employee is involved in a long-term initiative, there is a risk that its job burden will one day grow up and lead to a "conflict of interest" (quality execution of his/her work against a moral duty to help other people).

Such approach as "have done a good thing and see the result at once" motivates.

More projects - more opportunities. If a manager (Ivan) finds it more important to help a nursing home, while an engineer (Peter) - to collect funds for a surgery of a child, they will not have to argue on priorities. They both will be able to show the initiative in accordance with their own beliefs.

And the company wins from that. Good deeds are done, and there is no need to create a separate unit for the sake of it - HR Department and volunteers can deal with one-time projects. Accordingly, the costs are lower.

In addition, the company is more flexible with Realpolitik. What can be done, if it was requested to donate funds to an emergency surgery for an ill child, but all the available funds have already been spent on constant charity project? It is hard to refuse. And when the company is ready for unexpected decisions, everything is easier. Once an ICL Services' employee child became ill with cancer and it was needed to quickly raise the funds for a surgery (fortunately, in the end the baby recovered). Then, the final decision on giving help was made within a couple of days.

But Realpolitik has some drawbacks: it is more difficult to plan costs, it is necessary to make many decisions (for each request instead of one project). But they are not critical, and easily compensated with benefits.

There is a question left: what is better - to help many pleaders (Realpolitik) or to direct all the forces to a single problem, but with maximum efficiency (long-term charitable program)? Nevertheless, it is philosophical, and has no clear answer.


Realpolitik as a basis for charitable works is a good solution for small and medium-sized companies, as it allows to solve the matter with fewer resources and to help society in solving the maximum number of problems.

Rabu, 06 Juni 2018



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It is so hard to believe that more and more efforts have been put into finding an ultimate cure for h.i.v.How plausible is this assertion given the reality of fake or scam products at the expense of victims and people who are afflicted?What role do governmental agencies and health organization play in this matter?What have they done to prevent and manage this pandemic?what is the origin of this disease?
To be sure,we need to realize that there are many postulated cures and drugs claiming to either reduce virus or cure it.We must bear in mind that truly,ARV`s and drug regimens can actually succeed in reducing viral load but not cure it.there are side effects which accompany the use or retro viral drugs some of which are very severe and often times resulting in death of patient.What is the justification for producing them in the first instance,given they are endorsed by big time drug agencies under the auspices of international health organizations?Why not fund extensive research into finding a remedy rather than trial and error basis for reducing virus?What really are the motives behind this?
On the other hand however,there are many fake alternative and native curative treatments for h.i.v,which is motivated by greed at expense of human lives.But also on this,there are many more potent and powerful holistic cures for this scourge.There are some who use herbs and some who formulates natural recipes with different homeopathic elements and get a good result.Asides this,there are holistic cure which removes virus from the body but are not ever given the mandate to come out publicly.They are shut down as inappropriate or fake by other western medical associations due to the fact that their methodology and principles vary.But should our main objective not be to finding a cure to this disease,rather than waste time sanctioning others from practicing treatment?Should it not be about finding a cure rather than politics or propaganda?There are those who do not even know that the possibility of such a cure is limitless and those who can attest fear the attention and probing into private lives once put to limelight.
To be rest assured with the very possibility of long life and total cure from H.I.V,is the ultimate dream all humans on earth.A hope for life?This is exactly what the Holistic Medical Practitioners strive to achieve.Everyday is a fight to rid the world of the dreaded diseases!
Can you imagine?A bio holistic cure so potent and equally powerful,it totally removes H.I.V from the body?Many people have received many different form of alternative treatment for H.I.V,and in the end,none can measure up to the new holistic cure.
How real is this treatment?How come nobody has ever heard of it?Is this for real?These are numerous questions asked by a lot of people who discreetly sought for a cure and still do not call for attention to themselves.Do not be deceived by propaganda of the drug world.Let us be factual about this issues.If really such a claim is real and exists,should it be kept hidden due to pressure,from big drug corporations?Why sideline the very possibility of alternative holistic medicine in the face off finding a way out of this dilemma?
This is no joke as saving humanity is more than just spending countless funds on HIV regimens and ARV`s that will in the end,kill patient due to side effects.Truly,there are scam products all about and many products without patent.Others still believe so strongly in this cure,based on testimonies of different patients who remain anonymously hidden but cured totally.But why hide?Why this need for secrecy,anonymity and neutrality?Many such people who have used other therapies for this virus claim about 89% to 97% more fulfilling and potent than normal everyday ARV`s.Can such treatment exist without authorization from W.H.O?What do drug regulatory bodies have to lose?And what really do they have to gain either by keeping such possibilities hidden?There is a rumor about an ultimate plot to control humanity by the top people and government sponsored corporations.Rumors about a propaganda by world government.
It would seem that there exists a sort of system used by practitioners of holistic medication which achieves(as it may seem) the same kind of result as western treatments,if not more.The reason for this is that,holistic treatment follows its own doctrines and laid down rules to curative medication and health.People must try to note that there are numerous other means of viral ailments like H.I.V,HERPES,etc.Can there truly exist a bio holistic cure for destroying H.I.V 100%?Given other alternative treatments such as Ayurveda,Homeopathy,Silver Therapy etc?
The bulk of the whole issue is that if truly holistic alternative bio treatment exist and can potently and effectively combat and destroy H.I.V,then we need to ask ourselves why knowledge of its limitless possibilities have not been bestowed upon humanity.Why keep it a secret?why not help people suffering all over the globe with this?Why the propaganda that no cure?if a cure is forthcoming from holistic angles i think such should be funded and supported for the continuity of human life and humanity as a whole.Imagine the possibility of a holistic cure for h.i.v?Why this need for secrecy when all we need is answers?

Simple Tips For A Super Golf Swing

Image source: Even the guys who play golf for a living and get ...