Selasa, 19 Juni 2018

Simple Tips For A Super Golf Swing

Simple Tips For A Super Golf Swing

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Even the guys who play golf for a living and get the best golf instruction in the world still struggle to improve their golf; and they practice each and every day! Many golfers play golf just to hack around and have some fun; more avid players are always looking for ways to improve their golf swing and their overall game. Most golfers don't know that eighty percent of the world's golfers have a handicap of 18 or more.

A common mental error golfers make when driving the ball is to hit it as hard as possible. Visualize where you would like the ball to land, as you swing. Overall, you generally want to play golf with confidence.

Trust your golf club to do the job it was intended to do. Standing over the ball for too long a time and wondering whether you're going to swing the club correctly can easily result in a skewed shot, or completely missing the ball. Make sure to use the proper technique.

Putts and short chips are ideally played without much movement of the body, but most other golf shots are played using variants of the full golf swing. When you swing if you have problems with your left knee buckling, imagine you're holding a soccer ball between your knees.

The backswing is a rotation to the right, consisting of a shifting of the player's body weight to the right side, a turning of the pelvis and shoulders, lifting of the arms and flexing of the elbows and wrists.

Swing slowly and steadily using a nice rhythm. Pick out a spot on the course, preferably the green of the fairway, and concentrate on hitting the ball to that spot. Use the muscles in your legs and trunk when you swing.

At the end of a swing, the weight has shifted almost entirely to the left foot, the body is fully turned to the left and the hands are above the left shoulder with the club hanging down over the players' back.

It's difficult for a golfer to practice hitting shots longer than short pitch shots unless one pays to play golf or pays to practice at a driving range or indoor golf training facility.

Conditioning your golf muscles will reward you with straighter swings. Hold a medicine ball and turn back and forth; it must be rotational to improve your driving distance. Turn to golf exercise and techniques if you want strength and power.

Most of all don't waste your money on a golf swing aid you don't need or will never use. Golf aids are often for sale at your pro shop or local golf shop. Be careful about the claims on TV commercials and magazine ads; seek expert advice before you buy because they may not live up to their claims.

There are a wide range of golf swing aids on the market today to help the beginning and advanced golfer. Whether you're a seasoned golfer or just starting out, pick just one golf swing aid and go to work on your swing. Keep in mind that with some golf swing aids, you may still need advice or help from an expert.

Golf swing aids come in all shapes and sizes including apparel type accessories to correct alignment or a golf club add-on accessory to monitor your swing. If you're looking for an aid to improve your stance they're not hard to find. Before buying any golf swing aid, check with an expert to get an idea of what problem you need to work on first; backlift of golf swing, momentum of downward thrust or stance for example.

Golf magazines often review the newest golf swing aids and are reviewed by golfers, making it easy to choose the right one for you. You can find golf swing aids that will help you with your wrist and arm position.

Take as many private lessons as you can afford with a good golf pro. Try to concentrate on one golf swing weakness at a time. Golfers can never get enough golf tips.

Silicone Wristbands for Awareness

Silicone Wristbands for Awareness

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Almost everyone is familiar with silicone wristbands and rubber bracelets that come in different colors and artworks to spread awareness about specific diseases or important social causes. Many people now know that a yellow wristband is supporting the troops and pink color wristbands for breast cancer.

Silicone made rubber bracelets are today ubiquitously used for spreading awareness and/or raising funds by many social movements and charity organizations. You can also buy custom-made wristbands with the organizations name, logo and message engraved in the bracelets. The advantage is when people wear these silicone bracelets with eye-catchy printed messages it will further create awareness for the cause.

These custom bracelets spread awareness about cancer, domestic violence, child abuse, AIDS, gender bias, tobacco use, alcoholism and many other social and health issues. There are branded wristbands sold during charity events and they obviously cost more and the extra amount you pay is considered your donation to a worthy cause. Glow-in-the-dark bands are the most sought-after and latest innovation in bracelets

Customized bracelets are effectively used not only to spread awareness about a cause but also to generate a sense of belonging and a spirit of unity amongst the people.

The Love Our Children Awareness bracelet is an elegant looking sterling silver half-inch cuff bracelet featuring the image of interlocking triangles representing - Love, Respect and Protection.

Breast cancer affects a large number of women every year and it is a major health concern that all women face regardless of age. One of the biggest weapons against breast cancer is awareness and this can be achieved through wristbands with a message.

Drug-Free Week is a time allotted every year to draw public attention to the harmful effects of drugs. The awareness is most effectively created through the use of appropriate bracelets.

Then, you have the autism bracelet which is a silicone wristband that either has a puzzle piece charm, awareness ribbon or some other image to convey autism. The puzzle piece is the universal symbol of autism awareness.

The Red Thread Movement was started by two Abilene Christian University students to raise funds to end human trafficking in Nepal and also to spread awareness about the sexual exploitation of women and children. This bracelet is a simple symbol of the fight against human trafficking and the relief offered to those rescued.

AIDS, or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, is the disease that strikes and weakens the immune system of an individual. It is estimated that 33.3 million people worldwide have transmitted HIV and are living with either HIV or full-blown AIDS. December is the AIDS awareness month and red is the color of bracelet worn for that cause.

The colors usually used for creating an awareness of different causes are:

Black - Mourning
Brown - Domestic Violence
Cool Gray - Diabetes
Green - Health, Ecology, Leukemia, Organ Donation
Light Blue - Prostate Cancer
Navy Blue - Child Abuse/ Colon Cancer
Orange - Hunger, Racial Tolerance
Pink - Breast Cancer
Red - Aids, Blood Donation, DUI Awareness, Substance Abuse
Reflex Blue - Drunken driving awareness
Violet - Sexual Abuse, Children with Diabetes
White - Right to Life, Free Speech, Alzheimer's Syndrome
Yellow - General Cancer

Due to its immense popularity, people worldwide are taking recourse to wearing/ selling rubber bracelets to spread awareness of a cause that they believe in and awareness bracelets have thus become a unisex fashion accessory and a lot more appealing than even many other forms of jewelry.

Whatever cause you want to spread awareness about, you can visit the nearby departmental stores or go to the website and purchase the type of bracelet which suits for the cause.

Senin, 18 Juni 2018

Side Effects Of Oxandrolone Abuse

Side Effects Of Oxandrolone Abuse

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The debate of whether anabolic steroids should be allowed in professional sports or not has continued for many decades and there is still no consensus on it. The fact that steroids provide an unfair advantage to sportsmen using them and may lead to side effects (mild or severe, reversible or irreversible) means that they are drugs that are best avoided or used only for medical and legal purposes. In this piece of information, we will be reading about the side effects of Oxandrolone abuse.

Oxandrolone, which is commonly known as Anavar, is a drug routinely prescribed by medical practitioners for the treatment of patients suffering from alcoholic hepatitis, anemia, AIDS, muscle wasting, and Turner syndrome. Since use of this drug has been associated with loss of body fat and weight, some sportsmen have started using it as a pre-contest drug for losing weight and gain a lean appearance. However, such use is never recommended as steroids are dangerous drugs that can lead to side effects.

It is also worthwhile to note that abuse of any drug (and Anavar is no exception) is bad for health and therefore it is highly recommended that Oxandrolone should only be used after a medical practitioner has recommended its use after evaluating all medical reports. Once prescribed, it should be purchased from a legal medical store and should be used as per medical advice. Under no circumstances, Anavar should be over-dosed or used indiscriminately. Abuse of this drug can lead to side effects such as bloating, testicular atrophy, diarrhea, and mood swings. The list of Oxandrolone abuse and side effects may even include depression, libido changes, vomiting, nausea, acne, liver failure, liver cysts, menstrual irregularities, and liver tumors. Moreover, Anavar is one of those drugs that are best avoided by children and pregnant or breastfeeding women and those suffering from health issues such as liver problems, disease of the arteries of the heart, heart failure, low HDL cholesterol, enlarged prostate, kidney disease, neoplasm of liver, or visible water retention.

To avoid these and many more side effects of Anavar abuse, one should always use this drug after a medical recommendation. Furthermore, no two doses of Anavar should be taken together or at short intervals even if one of the doses was missed unknowingly. In addition to that, use of Anavar should be stopped and medical advice should be sought on an immediate basis if symptoms of Oxandrolone abuse like persistent stomach pain, dark urine, yellow eyes, or yellow skin are noticed as they may indicate liver problems. It is always important to note that success does not come easy but it should always be pursued with dedicated efforts and using illegal drugs can do more harm than good and therefore these drugs should be best avoided. Moreover, there is no point in playing with your own health and well-being when intense workouts, right set of exercises, and nutritious diet could have helped you reap results, even better than those achieved by steroid use. In short, it is best to avoid side effects of Anavar abuse by saying no to steroid abuse (Oxandrolone abuse).

Shri Ram Shiksha Mandir An English Medium School InJindpur

Shri Ram Shiksha

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Jindpur on the periphery of Delhi, isnt just famous for the Splash water park, its also famous for a number of schools. Prominent out of them being Shri Ram Shiksha Mandir School.The name Shiksha Mandir when translated literally, means the Temple of education and learning. Located in Jindpur, Shri Ram Shiksha Mandir is established with a vision of providing its students with quality education. The school received a warm welcome from the locals when it was first built. The locals hadnt seen an English medium school for years in the vicinity and were already sending their children to distant schools.

Lots of parents felt that if their children learnt English they would easily get good jobs and earn more than them. A number of parents approached the school, Shri Ram Shiksha Mandir and were glad to find out that the school was affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). The parents were a little apprehensive about the school being a co-educational one but felt it would be important in the long run when their children worked in secular environments. Shri Ram Shiksha Mandir School they were told would provide the basic educational facilities to the students right from the Play Group to Class X. The school didnt only focus on academics but also ensured that the students were given a healthy blend of extra and co- curricular activities in their curriculum.

It is with this aim in mind of moulding the children into mature and responsible citizens that the School encourages the students to take part in various co-curricular activities held in school such as music, dance, arts and sports. The school provided children with facilities such as spacious ventilated class rooms with the latest teaching aids, a rich library consisting of a number of expensive books, state-of-the-art computer labs and well equipped science labs. The school had a vast play ground and under the supervision of a trained physical education teacher, had a basketball, cricket, hockey and football team that participated in intra and inter level tournaments. Shri Ram Shiksha Mandir at Jindpur-provided children with the highest possible levels of excellence in all aspects of education including academic, cultural sports and also trained students to appear in various professional colleges through competitive exams.

Onlineschooladmissions is a portal that caters to parents and helps makes school admissions a delightful experience. Incase you are on the look- out for Shri Ram Shiksha Mandir School or English Medium Schools or even Play Schools In Jindpur and dont know where to begin, relax! It does everything for you right from filling up your form, submitting them online and scheduling a date for your childs interview.OSA also posts Blogs on the Internet on topics related to education and parenting and understands a childs world perfectly.

The writer of this article is a school advisor in OnlineSchoolAdmissions and provides free of cost consultancy to parents and schools for fast and easy online school admissions. Parents can look for schools directory list on the site from where they can search for nursery or play school in India in which he thinks he can admit his child in Shri Ram Shiksha Mandir School or English Medium Schools in Jindpur. or even Play Schools In Jindpur. They can also search for the top 10 schools as per their choice and can fill school admission forms online.

Minggu, 17 Juni 2018

Should you use PrEP (HIV prevention)

Should you use PrEP (HIV prevention)

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What is PrEP?

PrEP stands for Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis and is a way to help prevent HIV in people who are at substantial risk of contracting it by taking medication on a daily basis. The pill, which is used to prevent infection, is called truvada and contains a combination of two medicines, emtricitabine and tenofovir, often used to treat HIV in combination with other treatments.

For people who may have been exposed to the virus through intravenous drug use or unprotected sexual encounters, the medicines can help to prevent the virus from establishing a long term infection and eventually turning into AIDS - no longer a death sentence but nevertheless, a deeply unpleasant illness.

People with an increased risk of infection can reduce their chances of contracting HIV by as much as 92% when taking PrEP if it is taken correctly, but its effectiveness falls off sharply if the drug is not taken consistently.

Should you be using PrEP?

There are two main groups of people for whom PrEP is recommended; those whose sexual practices put them at risk and those who've had contact with intravenous drugs. It's only a course of treatment that's effective for those who have tested negative for HIV - for those who are HIV positive other courses of action are recommended, so it's important to be tested before you start on the treatment plan.

For people who are in a relationship with a partner who has a diagnosis, PrEP can reduce their risk of catching it, while those in a non-monogamous relationship with a man who identifies as gay or bisexual and who has taken part in anal sex without a condom or caught an STD in the past six months are also considered by the CDC to be at substantial risk.

In addition, people in a non-monogamous relationship with someone heterosexual who regularly does not use condoms with partners who are also at risk of infection, (ie, bisexual men or partners who inject drugs) and whose HIV status is unknown may be considered for the treatment.

Also considered to be at a substantial risk are people who have injected illicit drugs, been in treatment for drug use or shared needles and other injection equipment in the previous six months.

Will it stop me becoming infected with HIV?

It's only a treatment that's really useful for people with a consistent, ongoing risk of becoming infected with HIV. For one-off events which cause high risk of HIV exposure, other treatments are more effective.

Condoms are still important

HIV is unfortunately much more prevalent in the gay community than in the straight community for a number of reasons, and for that reason if you're engaging in anal sex with a non-monogamous partner whose HIV status you don't know, it's still important to use a condom.

While PrEP is a very effective way to decrease your chance of becoming infected it's not infallible and correctly using a condom remains the best way to avoid infection.

Sabtu, 16 Juni 2018

Short-term and Long-term Effects of Opiate Addiction

Short-term and Long-term Effects of Opiate Addiction

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Opiates are often referred to as narcotics and have been used medically to relieve pain for centuries. In the early 19th century, pure morphine extract was suitable for solution, and with the advent of the hypodermic needle in the mid-19th century, injection of morphine became a common method of pain relief. In 1898, heroin was introduced into the medical community as a remedy for addiction to morphine. However, it was soon revealed that heroin was even more likely to produce addiction than morphine. While opiates began their start in the medical community, they have quickly become one of the most commonly abused drug groups. Today, only codeine and morphine are still used in the clinical setting for pain management. The opiates drug group includes opium, morphine, codeine and heroin, among other synthetic opiates such as Demerol.

Short-term and Long-term Effects of Opiates

Opiates can cause serious health complications, such as fatal overdose, spontaneous abortion, and infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS and hepatitis, particularly in users who inject opiates.

Opiates have short-term effects that appear quite soon after a dose and last a few hours. After injection of opiates, the user typically reports feeling a rush of euphoria, an increase in body temperature, dry mouth, and a heavy feeling in their limbs. The user then spends the next few hours alternating from a wakeful to a drowsy state until the drug wears off.

Regular use of opiates leads to a buildup of a user's tolerance. This means that the user must increase their subsequent dose of opiates to achieve the same effect as before. As the user increases their dose over time, they develop physical dependency and addiction. Their body has acclimated to the drug use, and has grown to depend on the presence of drugs in order to function properly. If the user stops the drug flow, uncomfortable and even dangerous withdrawal symptoms may occur. Death from opiates usually occurs when a user who has been off opiates for some time resumes taking the same amount of drug that they are used to. Because the body's tolerance has decreased during this time off period, the resulting effect is a drug overdose.

Opiates also have long-term effects that appear after repeated use over a long period of time. Longtime users ignore their health, as their thoughts are consumed with the drug. This self neglect can take the form of not eating and ignoring personal hygiene, which makes the user more susceptible to disease. Longtime users may develop collapsed veins, infections in their heart and valves, and liver disease. Because opiates depress respiration, pulmonary complications, such as pneumonia, may occur in longtime users due to respiratory depression and the poor health of the drug user.

Opiate Withdrawal

Opiate withdrawal can be incredibly painful, and in some case very dangerous. Withdrawal symptoms may occur as soon as a few hours after the last dose in users who have been regularly abusing opiates. Withdrawal symptoms include intense cravings for opiates, restlessness, body pain, insomnia, diarrhea, vomiting, and cold flashes among other symptoms. In longtime, heavy users who are in poor health, withdrawal can occasionally be fatal. Withdrawal symptoms typically subside within a week.

Sex Education For Kids

Sex Education For Kids

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With society advancing, children are becoming sexually active at earlier ages. What kids should know about sex starts with the parents. There are many parents who are afraid of that famous "birds and the bees" talk. Sex is not something that should be taken lightly.

There are lots of consequences if your child doesn't know the proper things about sex. Whether raise a nice Christian household, kids are going to have sex in today's world. Some things to what kids should know about sex are:

1. Condom use- There is different ways to approach this topic. By introducing the condom to your child, they will know what they are and how to use them properly. For children practicing sex, if the condom is too hard to put on correctly, they will not use one at all. This will put your kid in very bad danger.

2. Diseases- Teach your kid all about the different diseases that come from sex. Herpes, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, and the worst of all AIDS are just a few things to what your child can catch if they are not practicing safe sex with their partner. As children get older, they become smarter on the ways of safe sex, but it is challenging to keep an eye on your children at all times.

3. Pregnancies- This is a big thing amongst teenagers who do not think it a good idea to practice safe sex. Pregnancies are a steady rise with children just because many parents would rather have the school teach their children of sex only to have the child skip the class. With the increase of hormones and testosterones amongst teenagers, it is no wonder why the temptation of sex arises. Keeping the children safe from pregnancies is the best we could do as parents for our children.

For parents, it is hard when you have to talk to your kids about sex. There are many things kids should know about sex to help them protect themselves from the dangers. As parents it is your duty to protect your children in all forms of harm. When you teach your child of the proper uses of sex and when the best time to have it, then your children will respect your decisions. Be a part of your children's lives and you will know when the right time to sit down with them and give them the talk that they have needed for a while. Keep your children safe.

Simple Tips For A Super Golf Swing

Image source: Even the guys who play golf for a living and get ...